PMA Member
Well after two years, many mistakes, and many passes I was able to harvest my first deer with a bow on Thursday afternoon. I have been hunting my a$$ off for about ten days and am worn out. I never realized how hard it is to get up early, sit in a tree for 7 hours a day, and hunt HARD for 9-10 days straight. Well, with the wife gone I had to get my son from school. He wanted to go hunting with me so we went to the stand that we built to hold two people. He had been with me three of four times before and seen deer everytime out. He even got to see his first buck "up close" a little 3x3, he thought that was awsome. I had purchased an antlerless tag with the sole intention of trying to harvest a doe with him in the stand with me. That day we got into the stand at about 3:45 and got settled in. I noticed a doe and a fawn on the other side of the creek right away. They both slowly work their way to our side of the creek. The fawn came out in the open but the doe stayed in the trees. The doe very slowly worked her way out in the open. She was in the open for about 5 minutes but a small branch was in the way of a clean shot. I was standing the ready to draw and kept glanceing over at my son Brady. At this point you could have set a bomb off under him and he was NOT going to move a muscle. He was completly frozen. Well the doe finally took a couple of more steps and stopped. I drew and settled my 20 yard pin just behind her sholder and released the arrow. I thought I had hit her a little high but when she turned I could see blood coming from both sides of her. She went about 20 yards and crashed within site of us. At this piont my son jumped up wrapped his arms around me and said "you got her dad!!". If I live to be 100 that moment will forever be etched in my mind. Weel we waited about 5 minutes and got down. He found both my arrow and the deer. What an AWSOME hunt!! Here is a picture I hope it works. It is not the best picture as my camera is OLD. The only thing missing is Brady as the digital pictures with him in them did not turn out. Hopefully the snapshots will turn out and I will scan one of those and post it. Thank to everyone on this site, you all helped me harvest this deer. There is so much good advise on this site that you can not help but learn something. I hope everyone has as good of a season as I have so far. Even if I don't get a buck I dont thing it could beat this!!