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I could think of a good sentence for this guy!!!


Sick S.O.B.
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It's too bad they let anyone have kids, especially when there are people who would make great parents that can't have 'em!!!
I think they should go easy on him. They should make him drop his pants and stick a taser to his family jewels 5 times a day for 3 weeks, with every shock being a little more volts each time. Then, they should lock him with bubba. That would be the easiest sentence I could think of (for him)
I think they should go easy on him. They should make him drop his pants and stick a taser to his family jewels 5 times a day for 3 weeks, with every shock being a little more volts each time. Then, they should lock him with bubba. That would be the easiest sentence I could think of (for him)

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You read my mind.
Re: I could think of a good sentence for this guy!

It's too bad they let anyone have kids, especially when there are people who would make great parents that can't have 'em!!!

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Amen Gold Tip! You hit the nail on the head. It's a shame the way things go sometimes.
Re: I could think of a good sentence for this guy!

I've got a better idea. Put him in a locked room with me for an hour or two. That SOB would be in a world of hurt!
Re: I could think of a good sentence for this guy!

Put that sick SOB in prision and let the inmates know what he did!!! They will do what the justice system wont!!!
Re: I could think of a good sentence for this guy!

This is just for starters....I would start with a pair of needle nose pliars and pull out each of his toe & finger nails one at a time. Then take a ballpeen hammer and play this little piggy....
Re: I could think of a good sentence for this guy!

As far as I'm concerned anyone that sick does not deserve to be on this earth!

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I'll second that Blaster. I have no need for people like that.
Re: I could think of a good sentence for this guy!

What a piece of $*!T. I say put a noose around his neck, hands behind his back, hit him with a louisville in the knee caps and when he fall hit him with the stun gun. Then he has a choice stand up and take the louis or die by the rope. I watch to many gangsta flicks... OH Yeah and throw him in the pit with the rest of the pedifiles in this world.
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