Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

I got it!

I have been out for a few days and when I get back the harvest forums are out of control!! It's Great... But then I got to thinking a bit... Besides good management and the "let'em walk" theory.....Why is there really a record amount of buck dying early this year?? I don't know if anyone has said it yet but I will toss it out there........'07 SHOTGUN ICE STORM! I'm thinking the ice that killed the shotgunner's hunt last year has gave bowhunters an edge to b happy about!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif...just my.02
The 07 ice storm was one of my best years shotgun hunting! You could walk right up on the big boys in their beds in the willows. I'll admit it kept alot of hunters inside the first day, and the following days werent so hot.
You may be on to something there. Hope it keeps paying off, I have a tag burning a whole in my pocket yet. I think there are going to be many a dirt nap this weekend.
T250, I think you hit the nail on the head. We have been seeing a significant increase in the big deer activity on our farm also. This is the only thing I can attribute it to as we haven't changed anything over the last 6-7 years in the management scheme.

A couple month's ago I thought there may be a few more really nice deer killed this year because of the ice.
That sounds like a logical reason. I always wonder what it would be like if Iowa didn't allow the hunting of any antlered deer for like two years. Can you imagine what it would be like on the third year when they re-opened the antlered seasons? The numbers of 150+ deer would be ridiculously high I think!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AIRASSAULT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That sounds like a logical reason. I always wonder what it would be like if Iowa didn't allow the hunting of any antlered deer for like two years. Can you imagine what it would be like on the third year when they re-opened the antlered seasons? The numbers of 150+ deer would be ridiculously high I think! </div></div>

This was one of the suggestions a couple years ago when herd reduction options were debated. Problem was loss of revenue.
Does anyone have any numbers on bucks taken during gun 1 & 2.
I hunt does only during gun 2 and most of the people I know around here only go after bucks with a muzz or a bow.
How many here gun hunt bucks?
I do but wasn't worth a sh## last year. Freaking ice was so thick on my gun i couldnt see my sights to shoot, and i dont know if it would have fired or ejected. MISERABLE for hunting but good beer drinking weather hanging out by the wood stove. Not very many bucks killed in our area at least big bucks.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How many here gun hunt bucks? </div></div>

We group hunt near Muscatine and shoot probably 2/3 does and 1/3 bucks... It's getting better by the year as far as the older people getting used to passing up smaller bucks and waiting for something bigger, or, shooting a doe.
We have a group that varies every year from about 8-11 guys. We don't target bucks only. We just try to fill tags. We hunt 2nd season, and usually end up with maybe 1-2 bucks, the rest are all doe.
I hunt outside Muscatine (Cranston area), didn't get to go last year (out playing army), year before 17 tags were filled by 1:00pm Sat. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif all but 1 were does, and that is the way it has gone for years. I think most (not all) shotgun hunters are more meat hunting then rack hunting.
My point is that I don't think one bad storm during gun season has that big of effect on this years bucks. it might have some but there must be something else. I've heard that a wet spring will promote rack growth, what other things do you think might contribute? As stated before I wasn't around last year and I couldn't take looking at IW too much. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
Did alot of tags go unfilled?
Come-on Ice storm 08...no wait, last year that stuff sucked.

As the years go on I'm losing more and more interest in party-shotgun hunting. If I do it again this year, it will be my last.

The guys I hunt with will let 25 does run by to get a shot at a basket rack. Just ridiculous, especially when a lot of the ground we hunt is where I bow hunt.

I was thinking this has been a bumper year, but didn't attribute it to the ice last year. Great thought.
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