captain hookI agree on heavy steel cables. They pull like crazy!! This one couldn’t cut the cable so look close......
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Have you guys tried staking the dog proof style traps with a rebar stake through the swivel on the end of the chain? And if you can loosen the whole just a little where the trap itself is stuck in the ground the coins will be less likely to break their legs and chew out.
Yes I use rebar with a washer welded in top. A #4 bar (1/2") slips thru the swivel snuggly. Works perfect.Have you guys tried staking the dog proof style traps with a rebar stake through the swivel on the end of the chain? And if you can loosen the whole just a little where the trap itself is stuck in the ground the coins will be less likely to break their legs and chew out.
My new favorite bait of choice!!!!!…..What do you guys use to keep mice from stealing the bait from DP traps? We have tried different bait — cat food, mini marshmallows. Tried covering with the bottom of plastic water bottle. They popped it off.
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If you want a real adrenaline trip find an abandoned house and coon call with shotguns.Anyone use calls & shoot them with .22’s or shotguns? Lot of buddies have had success & say it’s a blast.
What do you guys use to keep mice from stealing the bait from DP traps? We have tried different bait — cat food, mini marshmallows. Tried covering with the bottom of plastic water bottle. They popped it off.
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Calling coons is super fun!My new favorite bait of choice!!!!!…..
dog food mixed with peanut butter. It’s too messy & chunky for mice. Or I’ll put in enough that they rarely can empty it. I’ll put it below the trigger and then smoosh/smear some with a butter knife all around the trigger. Wicked. Get 30-40 coons for every mouse or chipmunk. The other thing I’ll do…. Put smear some above the trap in a tree to attract. Put some around the trap. Then put a little board or a cup they can easily pull off trap (like a plastic cup). Keeps chipmunks & mice out and rain.
Last- if buy new traps- I’d prefer “push pull” traps. They trigger far better imo. I might change some of mine up like this since i have so many pull only traps.
I believe the regs would obligate you to check, and dispatch as necessary, every 24 hours. Although I am a resident, I don't live on my farm and it is tedious to trap when you aren't there basically every day.I need to eliminate some coons. I would like to use the dog proof traps but since I am a non resident, the traps wouldn't be checked too often. What is the downfall to that other than lost opportunity. With hides not worth much, not sure if trappers would be interested.
I kind of the think the 24-hour rule is not well thought out. Unless you start an hour earlier every day, you will eventually be late in checking if you have several traps out. It will have to take you the exact same amount of time to check your line in order to get to each one in 24 hours if you check the same time every day. I know most wardens would probably use some commonsense discretion here but an ambitious warden with an ax to grind could easily find someone in violation. I thought of this after watching a warden on tv who sat and watched a guy's trap for 24 hours. As soon as 24 hours passed, he headed off to ticket him. I think 25 hours would make more sense.I believe the regs would obligate you to check, and dispatch as necessary, every 24 hours. Although I am a resident, I don't live on my farm and it is tedious to trap when you aren't there basically every day.