I love a rainy night!


Active Member
Ok, so maybe the title of this post isn't always true - if ever, when you're in the woods - but it was last night. I finally managed to get a bead on one, even though it wasn't with my bow as I would have liked it to be. Either way, I'm not complaining.

I planned to hunt yesterday afternoon but when I woke up at 3 p.m. (I work nights) it was already raining so I decided to stay home and get some things done. I was out running errands around 4:30 and couldn't resist the urge to drive out to the turkey ground and see if anything was out despite the nasty conditions. Sure enough, as turkeys do on rainy days, they were all over in the open fields.

I high-tailed it for home, changed and headed for the woods. There were two toms in a particular field that I thought I could slip in on. I accidentally bumped one of the four hens they were with on the way in. The other three eventually wandered off leaving the toms all alone. They stayed out in the open field feeding. I was able to belly crawl up to the field edge in the surrounding grass and get within 60 yards of them but they wouldn't come any closer. Eventually they ended up heading away from me. I backed away from the field and re-positioned myself further down. Again, they were too far out. I figured they were heading for a stand of oaks about 300 yards away to roost. I got in a low spot and snuck around them to the oak trees. Once in the trees the birds were about 150 yards out and closing fast. I belly crawled 50 yards or so through the trees until I got to one I was comfortable with. The toms got to about 50 yards and disappeared in some tall grass behind a clump of bushes. I was scanning either side waiting for one to pop out and finally the larger of the two did to my right. I had just enough time to swing the gun before he picked me out. I dropped him at 25 yards.

It was probably one of the toughest hunts I've ever been on and it down-poured pretty much non-stop. I'm a little sore today from all the crawling (I must be getting old) but it was worth every minute!

He's not the biggest bird (actually one of the smallest) I've ever taken but I'm still equally as proud. He weighed 17.6 pounds, had a 10-3/4" inch beard and 3/4" spurs.

My fiancee and I will be out in the morning in an attempt to get hers. It looks like the weather should be about perfect so hopefully we'll have some luck! Good luck if you're heading out!


Here are a couple other shots from days when the turkeys weren't being so cooperative. Enjoy!



Sounds like a great hunt! The additional photos really shout what spring is all about, good job!