Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

i made a HUGE mistake


Life Member
i went to CIA and supertec got me shooting some bows.
made the mistake of shooting the outback. W O W

absolutely AMAZING, i'm going to have to find a way to round up some cash quick
know how you feel. Bought a new AR34 in Feb before the AR34 Ram Cam 1/2 came out. Well I tried one out last week and fell in love. Time to sell the 1 cam and get the Cam 1/2..lol It seems to get worse every year, bows keep getting better!
teeroy, i just went to CIA today and bought myself a new Mathews Outback. I love the feel and the smoothness of the bow. I recommend it to anyone. I think i am gonna like the switch from Hoyt to Mathews!
Go ahead and try one out but bet you will shoot another hoyt in a couple years. The one thing about Mathews that just bugs me the most is the company spends a ton on advertisement and promotion of their bows and really skips out on the Customer Service. That to me is the biggest downfall of the company

And Hoyt doesn't spend a ton on advertisement and promotion???? Come on Shredder, you're ruining our little Mathews "yeee hawwwww" party! I know you want to try one out. Go ahead. It's okay. I won't tell anyone.
Firedog...I did try one...had a Q2 for a year and that is why I have my opinion on Mathews

....I did shoot the outback and thought it was rather slow.....quiet but slow. I may shoot a mathews sometime in the future but there is no reason for me to downgrade from my HOYT supertec on the current lineup Mathews offers (excluding the LX...I do like that one.)

I will give you the statement that hoyt spends a lot on advertising....but the customer service has always been top notch......I was very disappointed with Mathews when the time came for me needing a new set of limbs
You only had your Mathews for a year and needed new limbs??????I am going soon to shoot a Hoyt X-tec,Mathews Outback,Bowtech Liberty,and the PSE Primos SLT.I am keeping an open mind so I will report when I do with an honest opinion.......
All I can say is:

Mathews Outback
30" draw
70 lbs.
Easton Redline arrows (368 grains)
Chronographed at 302 fps

If that is a slow bow, then I seriously need to start looking in the market for a new compound.
I know there are some that shoot in the 320 fps range but are those as forgiving as my Outback. I have a 7 5/8" brace height. I can't ask for more than that. If I have any problems with customer service or limb problems or anything else I will be the first to start scratching my head and looking around for a new company.
Just my opinion and a few facts on the speed of my bow.
I'm OUT!
27 1/2 inch draw, 72#, 480 grain arrow, hoyt supertec 280+ fps......KE of a charging bull and I can hit consistently at 45 yards.......not as forgiving as the outback but neither is my arrow thru the chest of a big buck. SOme of us short folks have to shoot the fast ones to keep the number of pins down on our sights. Like I said, I have shot most of the mathews and LX is a good one.....just hope you never have the problems that I did firedog and need the company to service the bow.
Hoyt Supertec
29" draw--------29" draw
71 pounds-------71 pounds
330 grains------525 grains
315-320 fps-----283 fps
75.05 f/p K.E.--93.39 f/p K.E.

Hoyt UltraElite
29" Draw
61 pounds
330 grains
290-295 fps
63.78 f/p K.E.
Boys, Boys, Boys, Every bow out there today, is a machine, that can simply out shoot you. I dont care what brand you have, it is made to perform better than any man can shoot it. With that said, its the shooter not the bow
As far as speed goes, ive shot 211 fps passed thru, 234 fps passed thru, 263 fps passed thru. So whats the big deal, choose your shot wisely, and watch them fall in sight
sorry guys, went off on a tangent there, im still not convinced one bow is better than another for whitetails. I know I dont have the priciest named bow out there, but you put a deer within 40 yards, its dead
I agree with everything Liv said because it is true.Hit the deer where you are suppose to and it is dead,doesn't matter how much kinetic energy you hit it with.The only thing I disagree with Liv on is that his deer probably need to be within 10 yards and not 40
i agree with liv also. i truly believe that each company in the archery world make outstanding bows. i believe that this hole archery thing with this bow is the best or that bow is the best is a bunch of BS. it is as out of control as scent control. yes i strongly believ that scent control is blown way out of proportion and scent locker clothing is stupid. anyways i have shot every make of bow in the last week, that's more bows then you can shake a stick at and each and every one of these bows shot exactly the same. yeah you had your quiet ones, smooth ones, fast ones, slow ones, and a lot of them may have been a combiation of these features but they all shot the same just some felt different in your hands, so wether you have an alpine, mathews, hoyt, or high country or any other brand it's all whats comfortable to the shooter. not trying to make evryone mad but liv is right it's the hunter and how comfortable the bow feels. oh wait, one more thing, the most important thing i have laearned in the last week is that there is a bunch of over-priced bows, it's amazing how much someone will pay for a name, but we all do it.
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