Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

i made a HUGE mistake

splitG3, until lasy year Martin was all I ever shot starting with a firecat many years ago. I shot a martin phantom when I was shopping earlier this year...for the first time wasn't really impressed with what Martin had to offer...ended up with a Jennings Rackmaster(wasn't looking to spend $800 dollars on other name brands)..Anyway,I would highly recomend Martin by my past experience, just didn't have a good feel with the phantom...maybe if I had been willing to tweak the setup, but I've been using the same sight and shockabsorber for 7 years...feel and value where my two deciding factors...My rackmaster isn't the fastest bow but handles like a dream and is prettyquite...at $270 a real good buy..just my two cent...good luck
Boys, boys, boys!!! Everyone knows its not the bow that does the killing, but the man behind the machine. I personally have taken way more deer with a recurve @180fps than with my compound. Besides who really cares what someone else buys anyways. In the pharmacy business I have people who insist on buying "Brand" name medications even after i have explained to them that a generic is just as good. Still they insist, so I just shrug and say "Well, its your money"!!
My two cents.
We know DOR.....it is just the same sort of conversation as the Chevy/GMC, Ford and Dodge truck folks have when there is nothing else to talk about. Each one person likes one truck over the other for often times erroneous reasons
I just bought an LX, and the only complaint I have with it is the brace height. I used to have a Q2 which had a brace height about an inch longer, and I have found that the string hits my wrist a lot with the LX. I've had to change my grip to work with this, which i'm still trying to get used to. It shoots much faster and smoother than my Q2, and overall the bow shoots much better than any bow i've owned.

I've never shot a Hoyt, but I haven't heard anyone complain about one they own. My cousin bought an Outback, and loves it. Says it's very smooth and fast.

As far as what bow is better, i'd have to agree that it should be the one that fits you best and you shoot well. Promotes confidence in your abilities. Look at the advancements they have made in the bow industries in the last few years. Bows that are considered average today seem to be better than a lot of "top of the line" bows a from a few years back. I guess I think the most important thing is that you have a bow, period.

You did not miss anything DOR... Just a misunderstanding. That's all. Easy to do when you are not having a conversation in person.
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