I agree. One thing they do pretty well too - close their borders and know how to deal with people coming and going (immigration or travel). We all know what our Clown for a Pres is up to with open borders and millions new voters. Side rant. Yep, BB is the bomb. Citizens of our country "quit getting it" about 40-50 years ago. Maybe Reagan era was a glimpse of a rebound in our culture & country. Beyond that, it's like civilizations for thousands of years, I'm worried we're downhill. I study history a lot, short term (100 years) and long term (300 to thousands)..... I'm an optimist but I personally think the glory years for us have passed us by. I believe our unique nation was at its peak after world war II and was a rising nation since the founding. I believe that around the Vietnam era, the spoiled, hippy, low life, maget infested dirt bags have allowed (in their growing #'s) our country to spiral downhill into an entitled, sissy-boy, anti-military, liberal mentality that has taken over. After WWII it was a miracle getting Reagan (and I actually liked some things LBJ & Kennedy did, believe it or not) and if we keep down this path, the country we've known & understood since the founding days are over. Half the country elects Obama, the antithesis opposite of BB - we've got some serious hard times ahead folks. GO BB! Go BY-BY Obummer!