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IBA Board Member Opportunities


Staff member
Hey Guys, the timing of this has nothing to do with the latest controversy on baiting. This is ALSO meant to be a POSITTIVE thread on IBA and opportunity for making it stronger. I got a message from a friend who doesn't get on the web much and post, etc. He asked me if I could pass on the following info:

"Skip, please start a thread for IBA membership or anyone wanting to run for the board please contact Tommy Thompson email: thompsontm@netins.net - He will answer all your questions "

This is meant to be positive SO folks know that anyone can run for the board AND it's my personal feeling we need as many strong voices with solid solutions and ideas to advance our state & organization. If you're interested, please look into the details and email Tommy for more information. We need great folks with diverse experience and bright minds. IBA is a great organization that can be linked to many of the good things that Iowa has done with many of its top notch management choices, etc. It also did not sound like this was a hugely burdensome type of a roll- very manageable and you could have an amazing opportunity to make a difference! :way:

*If you haven't became a member of the IBA, get up 60 seconds of motivation and make a difference for yours and my hunting future by joining!

Again, Tommy Thompson email: thompsontm@netins.net
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I absolutely, positively, 10000% promise it has NOTHING to do with it!!!!! :way:
*Actually, what brought this up was a guy we were talking to that didn't realize anyone could run and wanted info on it. The baiting controversy did not come up ONCE in this conversation.
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River I understand your reservations but I do know Skips intentions are noble regarding this post and I think it is well timed. Those people who want to have a say in decisions should take a more active role and run for the IBA board.

It's easy to yell and scream because you disagree....until your the one getting screamed at.

On this day in 1962 JFK spoke the following words...

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

You could do well to serve in the same manner the IBA and help represent Iowa's deer hunters as other good people have done in years past....:way:
Be glad to fill in some of the blanks about opportunities.
There are two levels
1.Area Rep.
2.Board Member

Area Rep. - The state is divided into four quadrants.
A.You are a liaision between the board and it's members.
B.Help out at Fall Festival and Spring Banquet.
C.Write a short article for Ia. Bowhunter about happening in your area.
D.Promote the IBA in your area.

In every issue of Bowhunter there information about who to contact to start the process (page 13 this issue) Basically you fill out an app. send it in and at the next board meeting your app is read and a vote taken.

1. Board Member - After you have been an area rep for a year, you can fill out a board app. App is brought before the board and a vote is taken. If approved your name will be on the ballot at the Fall Festival where the membership decides who is on the board.

Once you have been on the board for a year, you can hold one of 3 elected positions,Presi, VP or Treas.

Always looking for involvement from new people.
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