UL Shelter/Stove Geek
Owning good gear makes one not old school when it comes to my feelings on eliminating cameras and bait/mineral sites in the woods? I have a heated tipi or a magnus rack chair, and I have gained unfair advantage and knowledge on what deer and what time deer move through my area? Please explain how. All one has to do is watch the Larry Zach bow kill this year, to prove my point. Not picking on him either, it was legal, it is just a fine example of how cameras, baiting(food plots) aid a hunter unfairly imo.
HA!!!! You of all people consider yourself old school? No offense, but you're not old school. You own more hunting equipment (and top end @ that) than anyone I know!
Oh, and I can tell you haven't ever used a trail camera, because if you did then you would realize that 99.9% of the time your 'trail camera scenario' that you posted about above doesn't play out. Iot seems I rarely ever see bucks that I have pictures of.
But yes, let the homeowner bait the deer. Take away from the hunter. Is this law in effect to eliminate the minimal amount of baiting that goes on by poachers? I think so. However, why punish me for what criminals do?
I'm glad we really think things through before acting........or wait, did we? No. Let's just push this recreational feeding bill through because Bonker says so. Oh yeh, we will catch more poachers that way AND stop the spread of disease (HA), because deer have no interaction with one another except when they are eating from a feed pile (not drinking from the same puddle, or breeding, or giving birth, or LIVING AND INTERACTING).
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