IBA supports feeding baiting bill

Originally Posted by Fishbonker
Statewide 2010 2009 2008
Citations 60 36 39
Calls 219 153 128
Hours 1759 1301 942

1759 hours divided by 49 CO's divided again by 52 weeks= 42 minutes per week, per CO. Are these hours only on the initial call? If not, it's no wonder there was only a 27% success rate. You could make up 42 minutes a week by cutting one cup of coffee a day. I would like to see the breakdown on their other "investigations".


Im guessing theres not to many stakeouts during The summer on trying to catch someone hunting over a bait. You may want to re-do your math with the time frame of the hunting season.
If you want to decrease the time a CO has to spend investigating "baited sites" then you should legalize baiting. That way the CO wouldn't have to spend anytime investigating. If someone called to report a person putting out bait the CO could just say it is legal and no time wasted other than answering the phone. Passing more laws to prohibit something that is already against the law makes absolutely no sence and is not going to free up more time for the CO. It is already against the law to hunt over bait.QUOTE]

To take this even one step further, Im going to guess that if this bill is passed there will be a fine implamented for people caught putting out feed. Problably a very minimal on. There will also be a fine for those who get caught hunting over feed. problably a bigger Fine, Much bigger. And to a DNR officer, hunting over a bait site is going to be a much bigger bust than catching someone just putting out feed for pics or exc. My guess is any CO is still going to do there stakeouts and spend just as much time so they can get the 'Bigger Bust"
If you want to decrease the time a CO has to spend investigating "baited sites" then you should legalize baiting. That way the CO wouldn't have to spend anytime investigating. If someone called to report a person putting out bait the CO could just say it is legal and no time wasted other than answering the phone. Passing more laws to prohibit something that is already against the law makes absolutely no sence and is not going to free up more time for the CO. It is already against the law to hunt over bait. If the goal of this bill is to slow the spread of CWD then don't base arguements on the time it takes a CO to investigate baited sites. Show the research that proves bait or mineral sites increase the transmission of CWD. Because if there was a pile of "bait" placed on private or public land the CO would still have to investigate and catch the guy placing the bait and hunting over it. Otherwise, all a guy would have to do is see a stand on public or private land and dump a little pile of "bait" out under it and make a phone call. CO comes and takes the stand down and now the guy who actually put the "bait" out and made the call has less competition for the piece of public or private that they happen to be hunting. Guys with lone wolf stands and climbing sticks could be in and out of a baited site in what less than 10 minutes so the CO will still have to investigate and catch the person in the act to issue tickets otherwise they wont hold up in court. The time spent investigating baited sites WILL NOT decrease if this bill is passed as jclaws indicated in his post.

Wow - common sense!
Originally Posted by tc1968
At the end of the day politics and money are driving the bill - not concern, common sense, or the will of the people.

best words spoken yet....

Politics and money is what drives every bill -- if you think concern is not driving this bill then you need to rethink it. After all I believe that is why it is being introduced. Commonsense also goes into effect saying that a bait site many deer use and is a communial hole for disease spreading source -- pretty commonsense to me.

I dont agree with the blanket statement that this will fix everything, I think there is some working to it that can be done to make it better. Legalize all baiting comment -- really ---- all crime is tough to prevent and stop -- maybe we should let all the laws out the windows then it would save all officers time investigating them unless it is a crime that would kill or hurt someone.

At the end of the day like I mentioned before. Yeah it sucks, yeah some changes are going to occur if it passes on how WE do things, but is it for the best -- YES in my opinion. I love to hunt deer and want nothing done to alter the deer herd more than it is now. Good hunting :)
blurman, I'm pretty sure you have no idea about what an officer's daily obligations are and I would bet your 'commonsense' is lacking when you use the blanket statement of "Politics and money is drives every bill" thats garbage, GARBAGE!

NO, its about the people, and if we the people disagree with a bill, it ought not get passed.

More Gov't input on how we manage OUR lands is not what we need. there is an underlying agenda here and this bill STINKS!

So does this mean that the DNR is going to start enforcing baiting in Iowa? According to their regs on page 24, here is their definition of baiting:

“Bait” means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts,
hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food
materials, commercial products containing natural
food materials, or by-products of such materials
transported to or placed in an area for the purpose of
attracting wildlife.
Bait does not include food placed
during normal agricultural activities.


Now, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of Agriculture is:

Definition of AGRICULTURE

: the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of the resulting products : farming


Looks as plain as black and white, that planting sugar beets, turnips, or leaving 5 acres of standing corn or beans to hunt over, is illegal and considered baiting by Iowa code, as the crop is never meant to be harvested, therefore is not considered normal agriculture activities, and is strictly for attracting wildlife for hunting over.
actually I believe that if your land is in crp you can put 20% in foodplots but you cant harvest it.How does that fit in.
actually I believe that if your land is in crp you can put 20% in foodplots but you cant harvest it.How does that fit in.
Oh, and while we are on the subject of CRP, if the government is going to pay the landowner to set this land aside, then it needs to be written in the books that this land is public hunting, as tax payers foot the bill for this land to set idle. It is financed by the public, then it is public use land . If You don't like that, then take it out of CRP and farm it. I want rewarded for my tax dollars you get in your welfare mailbox Mr. CRP check reciever;)
since most all the does have been killed in southern iowa,the bucks have obviously turned to each other,i wonder if the dnr has considered what new diseases these behaviors will cause!!!!!!
Hey, according to some, people and deer are BORN that way!!! Wow, are you hunting in San Francisco??? :)
Oh, and while we are on the subject of CRP, if the government is going to pay the landowner to set this land aside, then it needs to be written in the books that this land is public hunting, as tax payers foot the bill for this land to set idle. It is financed by the public, then it is public use land . If You don't like that, then take it out of CRP and farm it. I want rewarded for my tax dollars you get in your welfare mailbox Mr. CRP check reciever;)

Whats your address? I'll send you one so you can buy another 'long- distance high -tech shoot em' at 2000 yard rifle' at deer you have NO IDEA are there because trail cameras are "un-fair"? :way:
I ask again. If you believe that food plots are baiting, than are guided hunts fair????

Back when you were "Huntin' Hard" you went on guided hunts, flingin' arrows at things not scouted by your own eyes.

Where in iowa could we hunt if we can't hunt over food? Deer are driven by food, and so are our hunts?!?!?!?