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Idea for bedding.


Well-Known Member
I've never done it but I wish I had a spot to try it.

Sweet Clover.
I've helped hay some and have hunted around it on several properties.
Looking back, I can remember jumping many deer and seeing many beds in it.

Has anyone here tried planting it of know of others that have done so for bedding?

Big bonus would be that insects seem to love it.
Interesting idea, never tried it.

IMO - If you let a field "go" for a full growing season, you'd be surprised how quickly it will get grown up and used for bedding in just one year.

Like most of the Midwest - Patches of ragweed, foxtail, goldenrod and native grasses will explode once the cool season grasses are gone.
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Would think it could also be great for a screening cover?

Perhaps seasonally. I wouldn't bet on it come late fall.

Some type of thicker stalked Sorghum would be a better annual IMO.

I've used this one before:

My only Concern would be how well it does in late fall/winter. I dunno answer to that one actually. I k know ones I’ve seen in summer are a jungle!!!
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