It would take too long a post, and I doubt anyone on here would read it anyway, to counter all of the right wing arguments and half truths posted online with regards to Obama, so I won't even try. Bottom line is Republican politicians have it figured out. They can be Pro Life (religion), Pro Guns, claim to be for small government and fiscal responsibility - which is a bold face lie, perhaps it was true decades ago, but not anymore, not even close - and then they get to handout all of the tax breaks and tax advantages to their rich buddies and the big corporations they manage and own. They aren't even pretending to care about the deficit anymore, or balancing the budget.
Bush has had 8 years to make his economic case for the Republican Party, and it's failed miserably. The idea that by giving big companies and rich people (you know, people making more than $5 million/year) all of the tax relief that somehow this handout will 'trickle down' their boot heels and create more high paying jobs for the middle class in this country is a joke. Unfortunately the joke's on us... most people on this site I dare say don't make more than $100k/year. Most of us probably make a lot less. The true strength of our country and our economy is middle class America. The middle class works harder than any other and buys the lions share of the products and services that drive our economy. Check out these links:
Stock Markets Historically Do Better Under Dems
Economist's view
I had a revealing conversation with a family member just the other day, after clarifying the issue of religion and that Obama has always been a Christian (how long has this Muslim lie been on the internet?), this close family member asked me what Democrats had against Rich people? This made me pause and think for a moment about the role of government and why this person thought that Democrats were engaged in class warfare. I responded: "Democratic politicians aren't against the wealthy, hell, most all of them are quite wealthy's just that they know that the average man, woman and child in this country isn't, and that from time to time free markets left unchecked end up creating more disparity and inequality than we accept as a society. People need help sometimes. The wealthy don't need our help, they've already made it on their own. They are already living the American dream. It's not about redistributing the pieces of the pie, it's about baking more pies [for the future], so that perhaps we can all get a slice. Most of us aren't even looking for the biggest piece, just the opportunity to sit at the table. What's so wrong with that?".
Just for the record, I consider myself an Independent, as I've NEVER voted a straight ticket. I choose the candidate, not the party. I wonder how many people on this site can say the same? And I'm not just claiming to be Independent, because the right wing hacks in the media have successfully edited the meaning of Democrat to mean liberal, and liberal into a veritable four letter word meaning irrational, hazardous, whacky, risky, you name it. Funny how conservative now seems to mean: rational, moral, you know, just plain old "right" as in correct, or some bs like that.
Quick cap of MY values:
Fiscal responsibility, balanced budget, spend no more than we take in, but take in enough to pay the bills, taxes are necessary.
If two gay people want to get married, who cares? Let them already. Sheesh.
Pro-common sense-abortion: I'm sorry, but I feel that if you are raped, you have every right to have an abortion. The human condition does NOT begin with gametes lining up (the very beginning of conception). Late term abortions should be banned in all cases UNLESS the mother's health is in serious jeopardy. Period. Condoms and sex education should be readily available. Abstinence should be preached, however, but reality should be a factor - young people are having sex and there is nothing we can do to eliminate that reality. Just like prohibition. Also, if you are Pro Life, you better be against Capital Punishment, unless you want to get the ol' stamp of hypocrite in my book.
Not for big government OR small government. I want my government to be just the right size to get the job done, whatever that is... All earmarks or pork projects should be heavily scrutinized, if not eliminated.
We should drill for oil but realize that it's not an immediate fix to our problem of, you know, weaning ourselves OFF oil. All energy should be part of the mix: nuclear, coal, wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, the way, Obama supports an energy policy that includes drilling for more oil - because he is willing to compromise to get the job done. Compromise is not a 4 letter word, it's a signal of progress.
Ahhh, I've rambled on too long, doubtful that anyone read this far anyhow... unlikely that I've changed any minds also /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif