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If you hunt out of state, act now. Urgent


New Member
You can lose your right to hunt anywhere you are not a resident under a bill now in the senate and congress. As foolish as it may sound, this thing actually has considerable support. Here is a link to explain:


If you ever intend to hunt out of state, you should contact your senator and congressman now. This could be the most effective anti-hunting bill ever passed.
This bill would reverse the effects of George Taulman's BS lawsuit. States should have the right to regulate their resources. Do you really think states would close the doors to NR's? They depend on their current NR allocations as is. Open the doors George's way and years and years of game management go right down the SH!%$ER.
Very well said ole George has really put the Kansas deer herd in the crapper.Now to top it off I have to pick a unit to bowhunt in.This really sucks!!!!!!!!
Afraid your property sales will decline 180????? I hope it passes. It's probably the only thing that will keep some of the greedy outfitters at bay.
I think the interpretation of the legislation by 180 is off base, on purpose. I think states should have the control regarding NR hunters. It's a good bill.
I agree. I'd support it..
Haha...180..you crack me up. Have you sold any ground lately? I support the bill which would put greedy folks like George in their place. This isn't about hunting rights, it's about big business (USO and others)monopolizing the hunting heritage. Once again there is a lack of support here for what you seem to believe in.
Imagine states having the right to control their own wildlife resources... what a beautiful concept...

once again, 180bc wants us to put his personal benefit over the rights and common sense of the common man hunter. i wouldn't be surprised to find some loophole in the law, allowing outfitters
to get extra tags in their respective states. to paraphrase blake, lets start calling/emailing your representatives, in support of this bill
Who should we contact to get this pushed through? I'm all for this. thanks 180bc for letting us know of this bill it should help all of your fellow Iowans!
i can't belive the fools in 180bc's link call themselves "conservation force". they have no interest in conservation, but would rather whore out the hunting industry to line their pockets with cash. they aren't trying to"conserve" anything except their own agenda. they couldn't care less about the quality of animal herds, or overall hunting quality. if they get their way, when one state's hunting potential is maxed out, they will just move on
I just left mine an email in support of it.I hope that is passed.Soon!
Do you really believe it's a bad that each state have their own wildlife management program.

My God! How much farther can you and your credibility sink. At least you still have George on your side.
"Stop the Presses"
A sane, reasonable, and responsible piece of legislation coming from the senate! BY A DEMOCRAT- for a state's rights. I just sent a note to my reps in support.
If i offered up a cause that would save the very sport of hunting, your lynch mob mentality would string it up. This is serious. States rights is mearly the disguise for legislation that is intent upon stripping you of your rights. You obviously have not thought this one out. All hunting rights may be threatend by this. Your tax dollars paid for the public land in other states. You may be banned from using it, except to hug trees and "study" wildlife. When you lose your rights to hunt outside of Iowa, dont moan and groan, you did it to yourselves. Every conservation organization that has taken a stand thus far on this issue is opposed to it. If your IBA is not opposed to this bill, they are selling you out. We have met the enemy, and he is ourselves.
Anyway 180...I thought you got nuked off the site after pharmer revealed your true identity. Guess not, but man, your profile sure has changed alot since we last saw you. You'd probably have better luck elsewhere.
Mr. bc, please explain why a state would willingly keep out non-residents hunters, and all the dollars they bring into the state. I'm not referring to LIMITING non-resident hunters, which is the topic you tried to deceive us on earlier. In this day and age, most states with quality hunting know what a cash cow the non-resident hunters are. That's because most of us are a bit goofy, and will spend lots of dollars to hunt where we want to hunt. The problem I have with your topics is that you continually grouped Iowans as self-serving, and implied that you were just the victim. However, everything I have seen, heard and learned about you indicates to me that you are more selfish than the rest. The difference - we are honest enough to say WHY we feel a certain way. Please do the same with us if you wish to continue to post on this site. Thank you
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