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Ignorant People


PMA Member
Well kind of a funny story, I live in Cedar Falls while going to school and am right in the middle of a bunch of ignorant college kids. This morning I woke up early to go shoot my muzzleloader and bow out at Black Hawk park. I came back around 10 was heading back into my apartment with my gun and bow case, dressed in an Under Armor camo sweatshirt and some old jeans. As I'm walking to my apartment I notice all the stares and find it hilarious. Then I'm unlocking my door and the tenants who live in one of the upstairs apartment are heading back from class. The walls are paper thin and after I get in my apartment I can hear them say this "That's the type of guy who is gonna bring a gun to class and shoot up the school." "What kind of people enjoying killing little animals?" and last but not least, "Maybe we should tell the landlord that a crazy person lives downstairs and has a gun in the building." I just sat there laughing in pure amazement. Some people's lack of knowledge on guns, hunting, and everything in general is astounding. I can't wait until they see me on my way back from the bow stand in all camo and my face painted up, or better yet, when carrying in some goose breasts or deer loins. Next time I see them, I don't know whether to just bluntly tell them I'm not crazy and they have nothing to worry about, or just start having twitches and pretending like I'm crazy. Any opinions?
Go hunting kill a buck then clean it in the parking lot cut the headed off and leave it on your talgate then carry every gun and bow you've got from your truck to your apartment so everyone can see. I would do it In a heart beat!

arrow flinger
That actually kind of surprises me a bit. We are in the middle of IOWA during hunting season, what do they expect? Now if you were going to UCLA or somewhere like that, I could understand a bit. Kinda funny though. My opinion would be to not make them any more worried or suspect of hunters than they obviously already are. That's the last thing we need is more haters.
I was thinking about getting one of the swords that Scheels has. It looks like one that Conan the Barbarian had and I think I'm just gonna lug that around on my back for awhile.
That actually kind of surprises me a bit. We are in the middle of IOWA during hunting season, what do they expect? Now if you were going to UCLA or somewhere like that, I could understand a bit. Kinda funny though. My opinion would be to not make them any more worried or suspect of hunters than they obviously already are. That's the last thing we need is more haters.
Exactly, when I went to Upper Iowa, you were the outcast if you didn't hunt. We'd go to the bar all camo'd out with hands still have some blood on them for a cold one after we killed a deer and almost all the college kids wanted to see a picture of it or hear the story, now here, they assume I'm crazy. I would have never expected it.
Sharpen a knife sitting in a lawn chair outside your door.

Although I REALLY like this idea, I have to agree with Lyon. Don't give them anymore fodder. If the opportunity presents itself, follow your instincts and try to talk reason. If that fails, then go with Muddy's idea!
I went to UNI as well (Go Panthers!), but I lived in the dorms so I never had a gun, but I did wear camo every now and then. Once during class, a guy sitting by me says "do you hunt?" (nope, just wearing camo tard) anyways I said "yes, Deer" and he goes, "you're sick dude, killing deer." I said "Excuse me, if I didn't, you would with your car." He didn't think that was a good answer either.
Im a UNI grad and know the feeling. I got those looks when I had my guns sometimes. UNI has a large school of education which = teachers, which = liberals, which = gun haters. If I was you, I would just introduce yourself the next time you run into them. Once they talk to you and realize you are a normal human being they will get over the fact that you have guns in your apartment. If they want to act shady then eff them! They are the ones who are crazy and paranoid, not you.
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Funny when I went to DMACC I carried all my deer heads and euro mounts from my stock trailer full of cattle chit I got all kinds of weird looks. Sorry im from the sticks
Nice! I would act crazy.

In college, I lived in an apartment and shot a buck. Ended up bringing it back behind the building and hung it from my open-air garage stall to clean. I'll admit that it's kinda insensitive, as I got a lot of horrified looks. However, I also met a good friend in the process that wanted to see what was going on.
Proud panther grad here! In your situation I'd not give them any bad thoughts towards hunters... as hard as it is to not mess with them. There def are some liberals up there who didn't appreciate hunting. We ran into a few of them in Hartman Reserve walking around with our camo/binos.

We got some odd looks carrying euros into the house, having deer shoulder mounts/bee nests/etc on the walls when the landlord would bring people over to show the house, butchering deer in the garage on 18th St, having a frozen bobcat in the window like a house cat as it unthawed (ok, that was on purpose just to see how people would react), skinning deer heads on the kitchen table with the front window wide open, the list goes on and on

Probalby the best was when we nailed a deer mount we just finished to the tree out front on 18th street to take pictures and adjust it. We detered some walking traffic and got some odd looks then!
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bet you wouldn't have those problems at Iowa State...me and my roommates never did :way:...hell, we would make pheasant tacos, deer roasts and turkey fajitas for our whole floor at building 22 Hawthorn Court (now Fredericksen Court). The gals two apartment rooms down absolutely loved it

I agree with the "it's Iowa during hunting season, what do they expect?"

Something else that's ironic...those people taking offense to your guns can end up being our next yahoo's in office, even at the DNR. Chew on that for a minute:confused:
I loved having my buddy pick me up on the hill after I finished work at the Stein (don't know what it's called now) with the duck blind hooked up. Always got some weird looks and some drunks begging to come along. Man, I miss how much I got to hunt in college.
I just finished up at Northwest Missouri State this last year...I lived off campus in apartments but we would be out there or at a buddies cleaning ducks and geese almost every night. The most we ever got for looks was from the landlord when he would dump the dumpster..."Man you guys sure do kill a lot of these things...what do you do with em' all?". Happen to have some jalepeano duck on the grill and goose jerky on the table...after a quick snack he took a whole bag of jerky with him and would come back once every two weeks or so for more.
Wait until they see you pull in the drive with a deer bungy strapped to the trunk of your car. Love top see the looks you get then.
Wait until they see you pull in the drive with a deer bungy strapped to the trunk of your car. Love top see the looks you get then.

:drink2: those never make it back to school...always went to the processer before I got back into town. Blood all over the trunk and back window does turn a lot of heads though....kinda worries me that some day I'll get pulled over thinking that I'm a murderer or something.

For those that haven't seen the picture he is referring too....here ya go. Two years ago, I had a white saturn, with a 145" buck on it...I got my own picture back in a redneck email about 3 months after season. Gotta love it...and you work with what ya got! :drink1:

I know a few people at UNI and for the most part is a very liberal atmosphere, a lot of kids there are all about "peace" and such. Iowa isn't to far behind them, I know people there too. I go to ISU and it has a large ag college so there is a much better response towards that type of stuff. Mainly just look at the majors that are offered at each school and you'll understand that UNI is a very "loving" school.
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