It's a pessimistic outlook for our deer herd when it gets to be "the golden years" & then politics, insurance, uneducated hunters flock to the sport, government $ is king, etc - we've seen the result over and over in history.
The only hope when a place gets to that tipping point is to either have enough voices out there who aren't going to be lazy & sit on the couch & speak OR if guys have enough $ to buy 1,000 acres to manage their selves.
I totally agree with this article, I've hunted IL for 5 years and I have many buddies who own land or hunt there. Couldn't get me back there ever with its current hunting. Now, a place like MI is 1000x worse than IL but it's a shame what has happened to IL. A lot of the same going on here in Iowa, that's for sure. We better have a lot of people get off their butt otherwise we got trouble when only a few people speak up about "those stupid deer" (which is how many folks think if they don't have enough people speaking up to educate, petition, call in, write articles, etc).