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impressive rubs


PMA Member
one of the best things I like about shed hunting is the things you discover other than sheds. Here are 3 rubs I found, all about 30 feet from each other. Plus there were many other rubs on smaller trees in the same small patch of evergreens and cedars. Gives me a new spot to concentrate on next year......
If moose is anything like me, coyotes get no slack, even during shed season. I carry a pistol at a minimum or a rifle when walking open fields and ditches. Nice rubs moose, are they random or signposts?
not random. i'm pretty sure it's the same deer. i saw him bedded near these rubs twice and he's impressive too!. as far as I know he's still walking.

your right shredder. i have that gun with whenever i go shed hunting. it's an old Remington model 788 22-250. But I'm quite familiar with it and have taken many coyotes at 300 yards, one at almost 500. I dought I could make that shot twice though..

Last year I could have had a yote at 40 feet but I forgot to put the bullets in.........
Nice rubs! Is there any other trees around that look like they had been rubbed in years past? Might look and see if this is a mature bucks rub line or one heck of a young bucks new territory. Just a thought. Might help you get a bead on him for next fall. Good luck
I guess what I meant to ask is not from just random deer but are they just random locations rubbed in the woods or are they part of a rubline going from point A to Point B. Just curious is all. Big rubs facinate me but then again, anything about big whitetails gets me going.
Just wondering if you guys have noticed what I have noticed? I discount any type of pine tree that has been rubbed. As we know deer love to rub trees that are scented. I have seen 1 1/2 year old bucks rub decent size pines, my hunting buddy claims to have seen a button buck rub a cedar tree with a 6" diameter, I believe him. I am not saying a monster buck did not rub those trees, I am just saying that I give pines the least respect when looking for mature buck sign.

Dad has a Remington 788 .222 and .243 I have a .243 also. I really like those guns. 22-250 is a great yote gun. Not bad for a shed gun either. Keep up the good work.
So moosey baby, What power do you put that scope on to shoot off the antlers? How many grains and what type of bullett? I'm guessin 300 grain wad cutters aka "Shed Makers" "Honest officer, I was shootin at his antlers. Is it my fault he moved? Can I keep the antlers at least?"

The 'Bonker
shredder. i see what your saying now. it doesn't look to me like they are any part of a rub line. There are 12 to 15 trees in a small patch that are hit pretty good.

shedhunter. I've never heard or seen that before. I'm gonna pay more attention to that though. These rubs look like they are from a heavy racked buck. It's a little hard to see but the 3rd pic has some deep gore marks on the tree. There are some older rubs in that patch where the wood has some deep scars too..
fishstinker. you have it all wrong. When I see a racked animal I lean the gun up against a tree just like you see in the pictures. BUT, only as a decoy. As the deer is totally consumed with why a stupid hunter would leave his gun in the woods I sneak up behind him a use a high tech coping saw a quickly lop off his antlers....
If I do it right they never know I was there....
Fishbonker that was hilarious!!! Anyway back to my point this picture is in an area I know produces 130" bucks tops.
Rubs this size are common in this area, because there are a lot of cedars there. I take rubs on hardwood trees the most seriously. There is a good chance those tree were hit by good bucks, but I would look around to see what other trees have been hit as well. I have not seen too many pines hit in consecutive years, I think a buck just cant resist the temptation of tearing up a smelly soft wood pine regardless of age.
bucks attack pine trees like tornados always attack trailer parks. easier to destroy and make themselves look all the bigger.
Very nice rubs Moose. I would definatly be setting up shop there next season. I also found some impressive rubs on cedars while hunting second season shotgun. One of my hunting buddies happened to have a tape, so we measured them. The small cedar taped at 31" being rubbed all the way around and the large one at 48" only rubbed one side. Of all the rubs I've seen through the years, it seems the largest have been cedars!
Moose, I'd have to say you are looking at sign-post rubs. If some of you guys don't think big rubs on ceder/pine/spruce tree's mean anything, then I'd guess you've never hunted big woods. No, not a couple hundred acres, I mean a couple hundred square MILES of it. Ask any Canadian outfitter what they look for? I've personally seen about 25 very large bucks that were harvested from areas that had big ceder/pine/spruce literally torn up. A couple of my best bucks also came from this type of sign. I personally would never pass up this type of sign. Its also led me to some of my biggest sheds. I say these are sign-post rubs because 1) visual.., dark bark, white "meat" of the tree shows up better then other types of tree's. 2) aroma.., what can't been seen from a certain position will probably be picked up with the nose. A sign-post rub isn't necessarily made by the biggest buck in the woods, rather, its a tree that is in a position that is highly visable from different area's, where MOST bucks will rub. Kind of a social hub. Hunting it or not is upto you.., but if you don't, In my expirience, you could be making a "very big" mistake.
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