Moose, I'd have to say you are looking at sign-post rubs. If some of you guys don't think big rubs on ceder/pine/spruce tree's mean anything, then I'd guess you've never hunted big woods. No, not a couple hundred acres, I mean a couple hundred square MILES of it. Ask any Canadian outfitter what they look for? I've personally seen about 25 very large bucks that were harvested from areas that had big ceder/pine/spruce literally torn up. A couple of my best bucks also came from this type of sign. I personally would never pass up this type of sign. Its also led me to some of my biggest sheds. I say these are sign-post rubs because 1) visual.., dark bark, white "meat" of the tree shows up better then other types of tree's. 2) aroma.., what can't been seen from a certain position will probably be picked up with the nose. A sign-post rub isn't necessarily made by the biggest buck in the woods, rather, its a tree that is in a position that is highly visable from different area's, where MOST bucks will rub. Kind of a social hub. Hunting it or not is upto you.., but if you don't, In my expirience, you could be making a "very big" mistake.