Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

In need of tree stand advice

just get the lone wolf climbing sticks and the hand climber. Best of both worlds for me. If I can use the climber, I use it, if I find a tree that i cant use the climber I use the sticks and attach the climber. You get what you pay for. I say pay the money now and you don't have to worry later. Of course this setup isn't cheap so when in doubt of paying high prices go to ebay.
Well guys, I sold my API to a buddy who just wanted a good stand to hang and leave for the season. And I went with the Lone Wolf Alpha. I'm just about to mail a check to Limb Chicken. Thank you for the advice. After hearing all the good things about LW and quite a bit of research I decided to give one a try. I'll let you know how well it works. May the Lord bless your autumn.
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