Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

In Woods today w-the Strother SR-71

What the???

I thought you lived in or around Des Moines, your pictures of Carroll Rock intruge me...as that landmark is within 1/2 mile of my farm. Small world. :) In fact, I drove right by it yesterday.

PM me if you like, I would be curious to compare notes.
I'm going to se iowa to shed hunt. I was supposed to fly out tonight. I Canceled the flight and re-booked $325 slap on the hand ,(felt like a sledge hammer to the head!)
The snow should be melted by next Thursday when I'll be there shed hunting.
I'll post photos when I return.
Out of line already Turtlshell, his post was made in February. Just can't help it can you?

too bad in his post, made on 3-1-10...it says I went rabbit hunting today. Nothing out of the ordinary for HCH though because small game regs have never applied to him. I was just noting how some things never change...just like all you mods and your dislike of me because i go fishing and shed hunting with 250...it just never changes.:way:
Can you tell time Turtle? Read this................

03-01-2010, 12:09 AM

I'd sure take that as he was hunting on the 28th and posted late that night.
Quit looking for trouble, lose the chip on your shoulder, and enjoy this site. If you can't, you know what they say about the door.
too bad in his post, made on 3-1-10...it says I went rabbit hunting today. Nothing out of the ordinary for HCH though because small game regs have never applied to him. I was just noting how some things never change...just like all you mods and your dislike of me because i go fishing and shed hunting with 250...it just never changes.:way:
Here is what I see above my avatar on my 1st post.

02-28-2010, 11:09 PM

I then see that in post 10 I state here are some more pics after church. My church is on Sunday, not Monday. Have a good day Mr. Unhappy in life. Thanks for the post Shovelbuck, but I don't see where you found your date?
I see today at 0:347 PM on this post above my avatar.
Yes, Jay I can tell time...but I must not read the best. It says 539am...i read 539pm.

OPEN MOUTH INSERT FOOT...cook me up some crow, I shall consume...not the first time I've been wrong.

Sorry HCH, i was so excited to draw a connection to years past that I misread the time and IWASWRONG.

They are nice clear images.
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