Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

!!! Independence Iowa Buck Stolen !!!

What a terrible thing to happen - hopefully everything turns out for the best.

Here are some pictures of the mount -




as Nebraskanwhitetail suggested let's get the word out and help locate this one if possible.
I just can't belive people these days.I hope he get his mounts back soon.That is just a sham.
I say this is cause for a public lynching!!!

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I agree what scum bags, bet its someone they know...
this makes me sick, but dose make me think, what mashers have the lovenstien buck have to prevent this,. I think if i would have been one who shot a world recored buck i would have to think twice on shareing it with the world
After talking with Chris he asked that I prepare a poster that can be printed and put up at the local store. Anything to help this young fella get his mount back would be greatly appreciated. I have a PDF file of this or you can print the jpeg. If you want the PDF please PM me your email address. Thanks.
Very nice work once again Rudd!

I hope this helps the young man to get his buck back home!
How ironic, just Wednesday evening an officer from Louisa County called me and
asked me to be aware of deer antlers and mounts stolen in that area. I have called the Buchanan authorities with the names (suspects) Louisa County gave me.Who knows ???? I thought anything might help. Being a taxidermist, I really want those Scum Bags caught !!!
pretty low there scumbag, has this made the news through out the state, This is just way too much... Hopefully this thieve will have to face a deer hunting judge, and get nailed to the board...
Great poster, guys. That's a wonderful idea and it will be a big help. I know that Brian is really thankful for all the the help from the hunting community here. I'd like a copy of the PDF, and I'll PM you, Rudd.

Thanks a bunch!
What a piece of sh#@ this human must be to do something like that.
I think it will be found soon an idiot like that can't keep his trap shut.

Did Brian have a replica made? Not that it would be any less of a crime but it just seems like that is the thing to do today.
I just don't understand why somebody would do this. It's one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard of.
Hey Folks, the poster says Brian was stolen from his home!
I hope they get him back soon!
unbelievable! the thief ( or thieves) will never have any idea how much that buck meant to the hunter that harvested it. Hope they get him back soon! I cant imagine how id feel to come home and see one of mine missing, itd almost be like missing a family member.If they find em, I hope they make em an example
pass this on to any hunter you know. if they live in another state then even better. this a--hole will be caught!!!
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