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I am considering doing an overhaul of the bow this summer. I am thinking of going with a ripcord fall away rest, Trophy Ridge 5 pin verticle sight, and either a Scott or Zebra strings.

Lets hear the "Yays" and "Nays" from anyone who has had experience with these items.

Thanks, ANY input is appreciated!!!
A ripcord is a solid rest. A lot of guys shoot them and are very happy. Of the full containment rests, a ripcord or qad pro would be the 2 that I suggest.

Trophy Ridge...again another solid choice. There are so many sights out there today that it makes it really tough to pick one. Not to stray you away from TR, but prior to switching to an HHA slider....I've always been a big fan of Sword sights. If I were to pick one today, it would be the Twilight Hunter in a .19 pin setup. Pick one that has all the features you want on it.

Strings...here's where I'm a bit swayed. I've shot Rock Solid strings now for a couple years and they are as their name says. After a very small break in period of maybe 20-30 shots, your peep will not move. At least mine hasn't. He is running a special on them now for June. Throw me a PM if you want some info.
take a look at the new Trophy Taker full containment rest!
im pretty sure you will like that better than the rip-cord
Seth, if you need a trophy ridge 3 or 5 pin sight get ahold of me. I have one of each that I'll let go of, CHEAP.

I don't konw much on the ripcord ,but I do love my Trophy Ridge Drop Zone rest.

As far as strings go, I don't know.
I have a friend who had a rip cord rest. Loved it until the night the string that ties back to cable broke. He crawled into his stand hauled his gear up got everything set. Drew his bow to make sure a branch wasnt going to be in the way and ping the string breaks. He figures no big deal, doesnt think much about it, flips the rest all the way up and nocks an arrow. He failed to remeber you need to finish pulling the rest up to get it to release. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
Other than that I know the shop where I bought my last bow is REALLY pushing them. Of course they also tell everyone that asks what kind of rest do I need to shoot a biskit. When they say no, then they get told to get a ripcord.

potential for a string to break is going to be there on almost every dropaway rest. i've had good luck with limbdrivers

as far as strings, since you memtioned zebra strings, i assume you are overhauling a mathews. the majority of string complaints i've heard, comes from the zebra string. vapor trail, winners choice, or go to archerytalk and do some searching on string makers. there are alot of people that make their own, and have alot of happy customers....like scott and others. scott is a "local" so any "issues" that could come up could be handled better
I have a friend that shoots the ripcord rest and he seems to really like it.

I started out shooting a 5 pin Trophy ridge Matrix sight. I loved how easy it was to adjust each pin and the vertical orientation of the pins.

I didn't like how the sight performed in low light conditions though.

That is why I switched to a Black Gold Flashpoint sight, but I do miss the vertical pins.

If they could make their sights better in low light without needing an additional light, I would switch back in a heart beat.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nacho</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't like how the sight performed in low light conditions though.

I was going to get one until the shop I bought my bow from mentioned that they werent real good in low light.

I vote for the Flashpoint! That thing is BRIGHT! You can hunt till midnight! Great deer movement then also! JUST KIDDING! Lol!
I favor the Trophy Taker Shaky Hunter. Less $$ and just as good or better in quality. Also, it's easier to add a fuzz of adhesive teflon tape to it's cradle since it's more gently rounded than the Ripcord but at the same time, I've never come even remotely close to losing an arrow off the TT even in the worst of conditions. The teflon makes for a very quiet and smooth draw and release.
I would go with the ripcord, good rest, as far as the site your looking at, have no comment as far as strings go.....Go with Crackers strings from St.Joe Missouri

If your looking for good optics on a site without having to modify it..best optics out of the package I have seen are Cobra Sights.
Trophy taker and Flash Point have worked well for me. I actually have one bow that I haven't changed a thing on in three years and it still shoots great with the TT. RC is a great rest also though so its a tough call.Talk to 5 pro shops and you'll get 5 opinions..can be frustrating.
I love my Ripcord!!! I don't think you can beat it. I have a crackers string and it is solid. The prices are very fair as well. I don't know about the sight. I am in the process of looking at a new site as well.
Thanks for all you guys' input. It is much appreciated. Makes this process a little easier hearing this stuff from you guys.
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