Interesting thing happend today


New Member
Well today i was at work and my boss and i noticed a plane fyling around over by where i hunt at. Well i had to run a few bails of hay over to a house and my dad called me. He said that the state patrols were infront of our gate(where we hunt at) And he said someone wrecked on a motorcycle and they cant find him. So i went out and told the cops that i had a key so they brought in a k9 and started to search (This is a place that i was going to hunt Saturday morning. I didnt think it was a big deal thinking they would find him.) Well i ended up sitting in the cop car for an hour waiting for the officer to come back. They didnt find him in that area and asked if we had any other building on the property. I told him about our duck blind and all our tree stands, so they called the Game Warden to come out. Dont ask me why but he has been out in the area before and knows it pretty well. So around 5 the cop took me back to my car and told me that they would shut the gate when they were done and he thanked me for coming out and letting them in. Well i felt pretty good after that. Now this is the bad part about it. I just went out to see if they locked it up and umm well i didnt even get to the gate and saw that the whole place was covered with spot lights. I mean it almost looked like daylight. And im kinda bummed about it because i was going to hunt that area in the morning. I guess im going to have to go to another area. But i guess if they need more time i cant say no to them and it is a missing person search. I found out. But i just thought i would share this with you guys. I hope they find him tonight so i can hunt the area saturday night. Sorry for spelling errors im in a hurry.
Sounds like they ruined your hunting site alright. Also sounds like they are looking for a fugitive instead of a guy they are trying to rescue from wrecking his bike.
Bummer thats sux. Hopefully they find him so you can get back in there and be posting something in the Harvest Forum.
Also sounds like they are looking for a fugitive instead of a guy they are trying to rescue from wrecking his bike.

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Yeah, something ain't right. Makes me wonder if it was a drug sniffin dog. Why else would they have you in the squad car for that long? My friend, I think you was a suspect.

Good luck.

The 'Bonker
Heck, I would hunt it either way, they might just help you out and nudge something your way, just stay on the side of the farm they arent.

Heck it worked for the Wensels
Keep us posted on the outcome of this. They must have really wanted to find him if they're going to all that trouble.

PS Why did they have you sit in the car for that long?
Yesterday i was in the woods cutting wood and heard the distant sound of the CHOPPER hovering around, I ran to my Clover plot getting ready to waive and yell It's just clover !!! NOT WEED !! actually their are a few broadleaf's so i guess you could call it a weed plot !!!
Yep I think Koba is close...

Is it possible that the "motorcyclist" may have planted his doobies on your land.

I agree, I'm thinking you may have been a suspect. Might have had more to worry about than not being able to hunt that land.

Please let us know what you find out.
Well im sure the cop who i was with knew who i am because he has pulled me over a few times. And they did ask me if knew anything about this guy and why would he be on our land. Well i really didnt know even what was going on till we were leaving and asked. But the cool thing was i gotta listen to the scanners and it was pretty interesting.
MY dad went out this morning to see if they left and they were still out looking. Ya and im guessing that he is a criminal or something like that cuz they had more than a few police cars out looking. But ill keep you guys posted. And i was thinking about going out this morning but idk what to think. What if he is a murderer(sp). I had second thoughts about it so i hunted some where else.
Wow, they were still looking the next morning? I'm surprised you haven't heard what they want him for yet. Big operations like that usually come with a press release.
What if he is a murderer.

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Sounds like you could be a hero, write a book, and be on Oprah with a well placed arrow.

Or grabbing the soap in the shower for bubba if the deal goes to trial and your jury doesn't buy the self defense, "I had to send an arrow through him as he was coming to get me" story.