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Iowa Bowhunters Association


Life Member
I've been a member for almost 30 yrs. As a member for several years,then as an area rep, then a board member and finally as President for 5 years.

Watched this group go from a good old buddy club,to one that is well respected and a major voice on all conservation issues in the state,not just bowhunters. Most issues we take a stand for or against are beneficial to all hunters in the state. I've had many officers of state bowhunting group ask how has the IBA become such a strong force. Very simple,we have a membership that will stand up and fight for what we believe. It's not enough to be a dedicated bowhunter, you have to get involved.

There are some non residents who really dislike the group.
To that I say -
Your state bowhunter group should had been more pro active to protect your rights. The IBA should never have to apologize for protecting hunting in this state. Most nr's who frequent this site understand and tell us to never give up the fight.

We have some of the greatest whitetail hunting in the world and would like to think the IBA has had a small part in maintaining and protecting it.

Last week we decided to support feed/bait ban. Not a popular decision,but after listening to the reasoning and logic, discussion was held and vote taken. Personally I support the ban. Not here to argue for or against, this is something as individuals you have to decide. Whatever that is, I understand and will support.

What I'm here for is to please ask you to consider the whole body of work the IBA has accomplished in the last 40 odd years. This is'nt the time to bail, there are some very big issues headed our way and we need to stay focused and united.

Thanks for your time and support, without a strong grassroots support, none of what the IBA has done would have been possible.

Proud Life Member of IBA
Randy Taylor
Thanks Randy! There is no subject that all will ever agree on, so sometimes we just respectfully agree to disagree...that's just the way things work.

I am a life long Farm Bureau member but obviously I disagree with their thoughts on our deer herd...so I make my thoughts known and stand for the things I believe are right. Without FB agriculture wouldn't have the powerful voice it does now.

Without the IBA hunters in Iowa would have no voice at all...as members however they can have a huge say in the future of deer hunting and management...they just have to get involved.

My hat is off to ALL the hard working people who are actively involved in the IBA and are willing to stand up to the verbal abuse that at times seems to come from all sides...
Randy, thanks for all your hard work and my hat is off to you. One of the reasons Iowa has such great bowhunting is because people like you have their feet on the ground and are willing to work for nothing to support something we all love.

However, I strongly disagree with you on the feeding issue and I believe that the IBA has made a serious error in supporting this. I hope you and the other board members will reconsider.
Randy, Ive been a member for 10 yrs or so now. I dont pretend to know how the system works in detail on why and how the board decided to support the bill. If it indeed was a majority vote and a majority vote heard by members that responded then cudos. If thats the case I have to assume there werent to many members that gave there two cents before support was given. The pole here on this site shows clearly after 90 votes that 75% are against it. What I would like to know is....can and or will the IBA change there stance on this Bill before it goes to legislation, If in fact there turns out to be an overwelming majority against it?
Randy I thank you and the rest of the boards hard work. I just wish a neutral stance by the IBA would have been taken on the bait ban bill.

I do think that people should pull thier support for the IBA. Right now there are some very big fish to fry and we all need to come together and stand against the battles a head of us. Now is not the time to divide forces, and a neutral stand would have help greatly on that matter.

I am will to help in any way possible PM me or email me if I can help the IBA in any way.

Well said Randy. :way:

Much of that respect and clout that the IBA has is because they have demonstrated a history of being resonable and looking out for the greater good and our hunting heritage as a whole - today AND TOMORROW.

Sometimes its a give and take.

There will be other bills presented in the near future that will reguire ONE large voice to defend what we have here in Iowa. Bills that will really challenge us as resident hunters. We will need to unite. We have a great thing here, if you don't think so, look around us. The DNR recognizes and understands the issues and problems in surrounding states, don't think they don't.

Personally, I think we need to step back a second and ask ourselves what our most important issues are and where we should fire and where not to.

I don't love the idea of a ban on minerals either, I love getting trail camera pics, but I'm positive that this ban will not hurt our state a bit. It will continue to be the premier place in North America to hunt whitetail - not only because of our herd, but our regulations and hunting laws.

I think that this decision by the IBA Board shows that we have EXACTLY the right kind of people representing us - people with guts and a head on their shoulders.

Not looking for a fight - just speakin my mind.
Let's hope all issues that require 'ONE large voice' are the voice of the majority. Else, the voice will get smaller and smaller if the speakers are not being heard.
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