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Iowa crops on schedule????


New Member
just wondering if the crops are on schedule for this year in south central iowa,.....after last year,..... hopefully they will be able to get into the fields this year at the right time.

Not at all, alot of replanting going on and late planted stuff.

It will more than likely be a long drawn out harvest again this year, especially if the weather keeps up with what its doing.
Some farmers are just now getting in the last of corn and needing to be getting on to beans now in my area.
Quite a bit was planted ealry in my area and is being replanted now from all the rain and flooding. It is a repeat of the past 2 years at least in northern MO.
Wow, I didn't realize what was going on south of us. I would say we are ahead of schedule by a week or so up here, despite the wet weather.
Central Iowa we are definitely ahead of schedule, grandpa's corn field was past knee high almost waist high already. I'd say with this humidity in the weeks to come its only gunna grow faster, I'm thinkin corn will be gone by mid October if this weather keeps up :grin::grin::grin::grin:
Over here (Muscatine), most of the farmers I talked to this year said this is the earliest they've ever been done planting.. Hopefully the fall is decent so they can stay in the fields to get everything out in time.
Don't know about the north,? But from DesMoines on south, hope they have developed the corn to grow under water! Daily deluge's, flood watches and warnings everyday. Looks like last two summers, but warmer. The forecast is more of the same. Unlimited moisture potential. The high water has already killed my peach trees, now the apples and pears are saying,,give me some air!
Just had another 1.5 inches 2 days ago and getting hammered again today!! I may just broadcast the beans and spray roundup with the 4-wheeler :D
Seems like here in central Iowa, the crops are on schedule if not a little ahead of most years. The corn seems to be growing nice and tall, haven't paid much attention to the beans but I'm sure they're looking good too. We've gotten a lot of rain the last few days, so they should be really growing like crazy now.
Depends on location. If your land is on top of hills, you maybe alright, but all the flat fields I see have growing lakes in them.With nonstop flash flood watches, for central and south Iowa, I see crops crops under water. I asked Nat weather service where was Laninia, and the dry pattern that was supposed to develope. They said,"They were wondering the same thing"?? More puring rains on the radar this morn!
Basically from I-35 at Oeseola east on Highway 34, crops are non-existant. Corn has been flooded out and replanted, the replant has flooded out as well. still alot of first crop beans to go in the ground, along with alot of replants.

Basically this past week, including this weekend, we have gotten an inch of rain a day.

This year, around the 9th of April the planters were running hard, getting quite a bit of corn and beans planted early, then it cooled off, turned wet, so there is really no crop in my territory that is looking to good.
Ours are a couple of weeks ahead of last year. One of the benefits of HEL is that you don't loose too much to flooding, only loose topsoil :confused:.

Got a couple of areas where the crops drowned out, but overall, looking good.
We have been pounded with rain this past week....numerous days in a row. One farmer I talked to said he is done with corn and gonna turn it it to crop insurance come fall. Beans will be ok I think????
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