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Iowa DNR Funding


Active Member
The state voted and passed a bill to allocate a portion of a sales tax increase to DNR funding. The RESIDENTS of Iowa have spoken on this and regardless if you agreed with it, that was what presented and that is what passed. There was no back door bill in some subcommittee that most people would have never heard about to get it passed. It was communicated, both pros and cons (you can disagree on that if you would like), as to what it would mean to the state and it still passed. At some level, the people have committed to the future of its Natural Resources.

So where is the DNR at in pushing this? Why have I heard nothing about this since it passed? If they are so hard up for money that is where I would be spending my time, getting a sales tax increase.

Finally something is out there that would secure long term funding and wouldnt be at the expense of the quality of hunting. I have such a distrust for the DNR anymore it makes me sick. They should be our greatest ally and it seems like lately they have become the enemy. All I hear is the things they want to take away from residents. Get rid of baiting, cut the deer herd to numbers most hunters are not happy with, increase NR tags, ect. Yes I know some of these things are suppose to be for our benefit and for the quality of the herd, but the timing doesnt make it seem that way and not everyone is sold on it. They preach about maintaining the balance between the different groups of people (NRLO, Farm Bureau, Special Interest lobbyists) . Why? They are suppose to represent Iowa hunters and Iowa residents enjoying the resources this state has, thats it. Thats what they should be fighting for. They should not be looking for a compromise if it comes at the expense of its own people. Times are tough, but if the DNR was truly worried about itself and the purpose they are suppose to serve, it seems to me this is what they would be going after.

This has been something on my mind for awhile and with all the talk about these proposed bills lately, this is something that offers a real solution for the DNR. Maybe the emails to legislators should be pushing this, not being on the defensive to save what we already have. Maybe its time we pony up and bite the bullet. I think if the DNR wasnt backed into a corner over money they might be able to step out and support more of the issues that deep down I think they know are right. It wouldnt be an easy sell but maybe with the current governor it would have a chance. There is alot of momentum out there right now to make tough choices, maybe the timing is right for something like this? This is not a NR or DNR bash post, this is a post supporting this state and trying to spark some discussion on what our end game should be. The way things are heading right now, I dont see this ending well for the Iowa RESIDENT.
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So where is the DNR at in pushing this? Why have I heard nothing about this since it passed? If they are so hard up for money that is where I would be spending my time, getting a sales tax increase.

I assume you are referring to the Sustainable Funding that will be implemented with the next sales tax increase?

Sustainable Funding will only be drawn from the next increase in Iowa Sales Tax, which has not yet been implemented. As I understand it, WHEN it gets increased is what gets voted on this session, whether that be June '11 or June '15 we won't know the 'when' for a little while yet. Or at least, I have not heard when it is supposed to happen.

If I were to guess, within the next two years we will see Sustainable Funding begin to show up, but for now, they will decide on when that will actually happen.

Finally something is out there that would secure long term funding and wouldnt be at the expense of the quality of hunting. I have such a distrust for the DNR anymore it makes me sick.

I can totally see your point of view here, Fred. But even with all the 'controversial' issues that have been brought to the table, I do not believe the DNR is out to destroy what we have. DO some of these things seem as if they would be the beginning of the end? Sure, but perhaps not. I believe that even if all these items we fight against were to get passed, the vast majority of IW would find a way to continue to pursue our passions and do our best to assure the same for our children.

Having talked with a couple legislatures this week, I feel it safe to say we have been doing a good job of being heard and it is unlikely that any of these issues will come to fruition, yet.

To take one of your points a bit further, many of these issues have been shot down year after year, yet they still get reintroduced and voted on. I would think that Iowa resident hunters have made it perfectly clear that we DO NOT want an increase in NR tags, we DO NOT want NR LOs to have annual buck access, we DO think deer numbers are down.... What really bothers me is some of these people on the decision making end seem to think they know better than us. Which is absolutely NOT what they got put in the position to do. They represent US, not themselves or the agendas they are being paid to represent....

I hear ya, but we gotta keep fighting the good fight and hopefully one day, we won't even hear about all this garbage....

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Thats what bothers me the most, the people have spoken on many of these issues (NR tag issue) the last several years but yet they keep coming up. I dont think they will ever die until the DNR takes a firm stance against them. However, they cant when there is potential that if one of them passes it could mean more money in their pocket to do what they need to. Until money is taken off the table, I dont see these bills ever going away. Glad you have some info on the sales tax increase because I have heard nothing. However, 2015 is to late. It needs to happen in 2011 or it will to late IMO. Will life go on if a bill like these passes? Yes, but there is plenty of precedence out there for what that life will be like and its not one that I want.
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You guys may have to wait for your next blood meal until the worst economy since the depression turns around.
While I agree with the ear tag of the tax money, I'M NOT looking forward to ANY tax increases. It's an eventuality that will occur, not looking to push the issue.
I don't believe that you will see the DNR take on the role of villain by pushing for a sales tax increase just so that they can get a very small part of the overall increase. Just remember that when the increase comes around it will mean several hundreds or thousands of our take home dollars for almost every thing that we purchase every single day for each of us. Even though the funding is a good thing the over all tax increase is NOT a good thing. For what it will cost each of us we could be money ahead to individually donate $200 or $300 to the DNR each year and then be able to take it as a tax deduction.
It's an eventuality that will occur, not looking to push the issue.
I just don't get this. This is what everyone said prior to the vote. So at what point is higher taxes not an eventuality? When we give it all to the government and we are full blown socialist country? You pushed the issue when you voted for it! WAKE UP!!:thrwrck:
no elected official will put their name anywhere near a bill, or even the suggestion of raising the sales tax with this economy and job market.
The next sales tax increase is so small none of us will feel it. At most middle class Americans will fork out a Hundo more per year or less.... Not a big deal.

I voted for it and won't apologize. Hopefully it becomes active sooner than later.
At most middle class Americans will fork out a Hundo more per year or less.... Not a big deal.
It's the cumulativeness of it Thomas. It's always JUST a hundred dollars. A pack of cigarettes are only $5. Two packs a day...$10x365=$3650. Now your pack of cigs that only cost $5(not a big deal) just cost your family a nice vacation. Thomas, haven't I heard you call yourself a Reagan Conservative?:confused:
It's the cumulativeness of it Thomas. It's always JUST a hundred dollars. A pack of cigarettes are only $5. Two packs a day...$10x365=$3650. Now your pack of cigs that only cost $5(not a big deal) just cost your family a nice vacation. Thomas, haven't I heard you call yourself a Reagan Conservative?:confused:

a tax increase is life, dude. we can gripe and complain all we want, but it will still happen regardless. Reagan Conservative, absolutely! But I am also a realist, and taxes are a part of life, especially with the ridiculous debt we have accumulated. Better swallow the pill and roll with it, the heartburn you'll get for "fighting" it is just not worth it.
a tax increase is life, dude. we can gripe and complain all we want, but it will still happen regardless. Reagan Conservative, absolutely! But I am also a realist, and taxes are a part of life, especially with the ridiculous debt we have accumulated. Better swallow the pill and roll with it, the heartburn you'll get for "fighting" it is just not worth it.

Ridiculous debt is the result of ridiculous spend. Fix the problem instead of the symptom. Quit spending money you don't have.
Haha, whatever.... All you guys gripe and complain about the good possibility of more NR hunters and NR lo getting more access, but a partial solution is available thru SF. And you still whine?? What gives??? There is just no pleasing most of you. You'll be the ones out in the cold with no place to hunt at this rate and you'll have no excuse cuz you rejected all the solutions. Change is coming no matter what. I can't say what kind of change for sure, but it's gonna happen no matter what you whine about on the Internet. I sure hope we can maintain what we have..... SF is a way for that to happen, and it's not free. I for one am proud to give a portion of my tax increase to the cause.

I'm confident in where I stand, and am FAR from a Kool ade drinker.... Maybe I'm not the one who needs to reevaluate my stance, Matt....... C'mon man.......
You'll be the ones out in the cold with no place to hunt at this rate and you'll have no excuse cuz you rejected all the solutions.
There have been many who have givin their lives for the country...I suppose if it comes down to it, the least I can do is give up my hunting spot.
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