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Iowa Nonresident Review


It is going to be a good fall!

This link shows a lot of detail on NR buck tags, revenue, how many deer were shot in each county by NR etc...

It might give some good insight into whether the Governor Tags are worth it from a revenue standpoint.

This document shows that Iowa lost money on preference points, simply because they had fewer applicants.

(Note: THis is the fist link that I have ever posted, so if it does not work, someone please help attach it)
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If you look a tthe table on page two, look at the top three lines. The loss is primarily due to poor pheasant hunting. The revenue for deer is UP and offset some of the general nonresident hunting license sales decrease.
A couple of quick comments...

I am not disputing the data in the charts, I don't have any way to validate it or invalidate it, so I'll take it at face value for the purposes of this discussion.

I read the link quickly, so maybe I missed something.

But I don't see where the presence or absence of governors tags is driving the numbers in the charts at all, one way or the other.

There are other key factors that I think are influencing these numbers that I saw no mention of.

1. The state of the economy(fewer dollars out there to chase any product, including deer in Iowa.)

2. The real dropoff in NR hunting revenue is under the general hunting, which I would imagine ties very closely to the steep drop in pheasant and small game numbers.

3. NR Deer related revenue is up, although the # of tags sold is down only slightly.

4. Deer numbers and land availability have also changed in this time period and may well influence some to stay home or go elsewhere or wait until next year, etc.
Raising the preference point cost to $50 cost them in overall revenue.

Getting back to the Governor Tags, I do not think they contribute (modern day), I think they hurt NR and the bottom line is that the price of tags seems to determine how many applicants and how much money is generated. Charging more $$ does not always means more dollars on after it is all said and done

Side Note: Did you see how many bucks were harvested by NR were in Taylor County, why would that be so high?
Side Note: Did you see how many bucks were harvested by NR were in Taylor County, why would that be so high?

Higher concentration of possible outfitters. Also, a lot of outfitters are double dipping with being based in Iowa, but also buying over the counter Missouri tags. So they essentially own or lease in both states this way.

That is where all my deer went (from Taylor co.).
This study shows;

1. That the pheasant hunting in Iowa sucks and has declined since 2008, (Iowa lost about 10,000 NR general hunting licences).

2. That there is plenty of non-residents applying for deer hunting licences and they are willing to pay the extra fees to do so. (almost made up for the 10,000 less pheasant hunters).
This study shows;

1. That the pheasant hunting in Iowa sucks and has declined since 2008, (Iowa lost about 10,000 NR general hunting licences).

2. That there is plenty of non-residents applying for deer hunting licences and they are willing to pay the extra fees to do so. (almost made up for the 10,000 less pheasant hunters).

2. 12,169 applicants in 2004 and 9,542 last year, quite a drop. $100,000 in lost revenue from preference points.
Here is the link that shows why NR general licence sales are down:


Look at the number of deer licences sold '08 - '10. It's the same, and that line item increase in revenue is due only to the fee increase.

Preference points were down from '09 to '10, but about the same in '10 as '08 the difference is over a 300K increase in revenue due to fee increase.

Well of course, the number of licenses is the same (6000) anytime you increase the license fee the revenue will increase. What I am saying is that the number of applicants decreased so they lost money on preference points.

My point is getting back to the governor tags. The publicity/advertisement is is not adding additional applicants and the attraction has decreased. It is more based on price of tags.

If my intital post is wrong, I will change that, sorry for the confusion

Or the glory days of hunting like they were in '04 are gone (deer #s are way down) and less NR are coming back and applying for future hunts? Another possible explanation.

I guess that was kind of my point of posting this. We keep hearing that the demand is so great, when actually it is dwindling.
What I noticed was the drop in NR applications for either sex tags. Down about 2600 from 2004. Not a bad thing but I attribute that to your more expensive NR tags now.

But again. Your govenor tag does nothing anymore than get a pretty much guarenteed tag to your celeb friend you want to come hunt in Iowa. Which I think is unfair. They should be waiting the three years and not be able to hunt year after year as do some of them.

That same chart also shows that the average person should get a tag every two years roughly! there were 3638 applicants that didnt get a tag last year. Those 3638 applicants should get tags this year! The 6000 that drew last year should be to the bottom of the list and drawn after the 3638. I would be curious to see the prefference point system and how it sits currently. How many people with one pnt, vs 2 vs 3 and so on. Really, that chart shoes that you should get a tag every two years!
That same chart also shows that the average person should get a tag every two years roughly! there were 3638 applicants that didnt get a tag last year. Those 3638 applicants should get tags this year! The 6000 that drew last year should be to the bottom of the list and drawn after the 3638. I would be curious to see the prefference point system and how it sits currently. How many people with one pnt, vs 2 vs 3 and so on. Really, that chart shoes that you should get a tag every two years!

Tom - what the chart doesn't show well is that there are NR zones and I think the 6000 available NR tags are not allocated statewide, but rather by zones. Because some zones are more desirable than others, you could end up with one or two "hot" zones where it would take 3 or perhaps more years to bubble to the top and some less desirable zones that you might be able to get into every year.

I am not 100% sure on this, but that is how it has been described to me by someone that I think knows what they are talking about.
Well DOGNAMIT! That doesnt help my odds anymore! LOL I have not applied since they raised it and dont care too. I just dont think a whitetail deer is work $600+ in MPO. But I dont knock Iowa for charging that, the demand is there. Maybe someday I will come back but not yet. I can see 140-180 inch deer in Wisconsin, maybe not as many but we have them and it is getting better every year.

Now if I can only get the rest of Wisconsin to go along with my Muzzleloading and Archery only plan that would be the cats meow!

Well DOGNAMIT! That doesnt help my odds anymore! LOL I have not applied since they raised it and dont care too. I just dont think a whitetail deer is work $600+ in MPO. But I dont knock Iowa for charging that, the demand is there. Maybe someday I will come back but not yet. I can see 140-180 inch deer in Wisconsin, maybe not as many but we have them and it is getting better every year.

Now if I can only get the rest of Wisconsin to go along with my Muzzleloading and Archery only plan that would be the cats meow!

That would be a great plan (how about archery only)!! :D
What I noticed was the drop in NR applications for either sex tags. Down about 2600 from 2004. Not a bad thing but I attribute that to your more expensive NR tags now.

I am sitting on 3 pp's and the jump in tag prices caused me to reconsider and not put in for the draw for the past 2 years. That 500+ goes a long way for my farm in MO and will benefit me for many years unlike a one time tag in IA for that price.
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