I think you pretty much answered your own ? With the "My Uncle is a Florida resident"!!!
buberwin said:Wasn't sure how the laws went since he does own a house and land and pays taxes on them in IOWA, thanks to the guys that gave a decent response and weren't a D-Bag about it!
Shooting your deer? So you're the guy I thank every time put a monster on the wall?Anything that smells like Non-Residents coming over here and shooting our deer we don't like! Especially when they own land here!!
Anything that smells like Non-Residents coming over here and shooting our deer we don't like! Especially when they own land here!!
If he lives in both places 6 months a year I would say it's a matter of where he wants to be considered a resident, where he wants to vote, and have a driver's license. My Iowa resident neighbor resides in Florida 4 months out of the year, but maintains his driver's license, voter registration, etc. in Iowa. I think the law requires your uncle to reside in Iowa for 90 days prior to claiming residency, if he lives in Iowa 6 months out of the year legitimately I think its his choice, but he can't do both.
If I was him, i would be an iowa resident who lives in florida 6 months of the year. Just saying.
My uncle is a Florida resident but also has a house in Iowa he lives in about 6 months a yr. can he get a resident Iowa tag or will he need to draw for a non resident license?
Wasn't sure how the laws went since he does own a house and land and pays taxes on them in IOWA, thanks to the guys that gave a decent response and weren't a D-Bag about it!
I sure hope they make people pay Iowa income tax to be Iowa residents.