Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

iowa whitetail total years of bowhunting expe

26 years and still cant get enough.
dahthais 334
hey wags you were a sec. early then me. total- 360
Well over 300 years of experience and this has only been running a little over an hour so far! Very impressive.

About twenty members so far out of a potential 1000...hmmmm
This math teacher just did a little quick mental arithmetic and 308 appears to be the correct total. Took my first bow to the tree at age 15, so that makes 22 years for me...bringing the new total to 330. Great post!

Better add another 22 years of what I love for me. take's it to 362
I am going to look green but here goes. I bought my first bow in 2001 and bow hunted for the first time this pass fall. I also have two young sons who have there first season under there belts. So that brings us to 426 I believe unless you'd like to add those years for my two beggars.
Started hunting tree rats at the ripe ol age of 7, I'm going to be 26....i think that's 19...

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