Could you use a savage .17HMR for yotes?
also- I have this Saturday 2-8 completely open and a few properties that haven't been hunted for yotes but there are a lot of them there (and a few bobcats)
Anyone interested in going- I have ZERO experience with them but would love to see a bunch taken out
3 properties - 1 near winterest and 2 in southern IA near AFTON/Aripse- lots of ground to cover but I know there are a ton of them there
Bdahms - I don't want to play "internet DNR officer" here and I am not saying this in a critical tone, but since you indicated that are new to coyote hunting I thought I would mention that in case you were not aware, the bobcat season is now closed. Almost every furbearer closed on Jan. 31. (You can still trap beaver until April 15th I think, but all other trapping is closed now.) Coyotes are open to hunting 24/7/365 though.
Good luck on the coyote hunting!
^ Sounds like a profile.
Yeah, it always looks good there but nothing yet. Did pull a guy out of your farm lot stuck in a drift. His full sized Chevy needed my Nissans help.
That aught ta generate a response.