Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Is now the ideal time????


To plant a point builder plus mixture that consists of:
20% Bulls-eye hybrid turnip
20% Will Ladino Clover
15% Bridger Rape Seed
10% Sterling Rape Seed
20% Grand Daddy Perennial Ryegrass
10% Puna Chicory
5% Haifa White Clover

There are knee high grasses there now, would it be best to mow it down and round up it? OR just mow it down and till it up. I will be drilling this into the ground and putting a lot of water onto it! What do you gents think?
Exactly what OneCam said. By mowing it now and spraying it in 7-10 days you allow the grass to start to have some regrowth. This regrowth at 1 inch tall is much easier to kill than 18 inch grass.
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