Well-Known Member
Where are you located Bowtech? Nothing moved in my area till 430 and didn't see anything chasing.
West central iowa. Harrison county. Hope nobody steals my spot!
Where are you located Bowtech? Nothing moved in my area till 430 and didn't see anything chasing.
Small 8 Thursday night chasing a hot doe, this morning seen a couple bucks cruising, they were 250 yards away and probably couldn't hear any of my calls. Tonight only saw a young doe bleating her ass off, no bucks around to take care of her that I saw... East Central IA by CR
How do you know she was a hot doe?
Haven't seen a damn thing today in Jefferson county...these are proven spots, no idea what is going on but it makes me want jump out of my tree..
I'm thinking the reason you guys are not seeing anything is either..
1. EHD has hit hard in your area and there are not much bucks out there
2. The bucks are at the outer edges of their core/travel areas looking for does
3. They have already found some estrus does and are with them
4. They have gotten downwind or approached from the downwind side and have left.
Just some thoughts...
5. There are no more does left to chase...