I think I sold you guys that fiberglass pipe up here in Des Moines at Seneca. The guys said it was for shocking fish but I never made the connection until I saw that red pipe in the picture. What exactly is it you are shocking them for????? Are you doing population counts or something??????? Just curious.
I just got damn tired of trying to catch fish on hook and line to be honest.
Actually we will be using the machine for stream/river fish population surveys. Hopefully in the future I'll get some grants and be able to do some stream and specie specific shocking.
Skully, I've never heard that to be honest with you, I'll ask around though. As far as I can tell it doesn't hurt them UNLESS you turn up the volts and amps and cook them. We try to run 3000 watts into the water for "optimal fish shocking". Depending on the conductivity and the temperature we have to run more or less to achieve the 3000 watts. For example, yesterday and today the conductivity was around 600 and the temp around 19, that meant we had to run 4500 watts to actually achieve 3000 watts because the electricity was disipating rapidly. Last Friday we were on Lake Macbride and the conductivity was half that, we had to run REALLY low and we still almost killed fish.
Confused yet?
There's your half assed biology lesson for the week.
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