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IW 2005 Doe Harvests

1-bow season, my 1st season shotgun group got 9, me and my cousin each got one during late antler-less season. Total is now 363
well Im done hunting for the year and I shot 1 buck and 15 does so that makes 383! 8 deer with the bow and 8 does with the 1187! 6 of us went out for the late antlerless season and I shot 8 out of the 11 deer we got. We only shot one button buck. 2 yearling does and the rest were mature does. we ate 4 tags though.
Add 4 more,404.

I didn't read this post until now. Last fall/winter (between my dad and I) we shot 5 deer.

That's 416+5= <font color="red"> 421 </font>
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