IWILL January 26th


Active Member
I just thought I would copy and paste this here to encourage those that want to support this effort.

Iowa’s Water and Land Legacy (IWILL) is a conservation coalition formed as an outgrowth of a long process targeted at creating reliable and significant annual funding for natural resources in Iowa. The Iowa Bowhunters have been part of this effort for many years.

IWILL was successful in steering enabling legislation for reliable funding to passage in both the Iowa Senate and House. In 2010, Iowa voters went to the polls and overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment that established the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust. Many people thought the job was done at that point, but it had just started.

The amendment specified that funding the Trust requires an increase of 3/8ths of 1 percent in the state sales tax. This increase would create about $150 million dollars each and every year for a wide range of natural resource and recreation projects in Iowa. Unfortunately, providing this funding has not been addressed by the Legislature or the Governor. Every year since passage, conservation groups in Iowa have asked the Legislature and Governor to trigger the funding with a sales tax increase. Each year we have been turned down.


Iowa’s Water and Land Legacy Coalition (IWILL) is a diverse group of organizations (IBA, PF, DU, NWTF, WTU, Ikes and many more) working together right now to fund the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust. The Trust Fund will provide a much needed permanent and constitutionally protected funding source for conserving and enhancing water quality and natural areas in this state, including agricultural soils, fish and wildlife habitat, parks, and trails.

Funding the Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund would truly be a milestone for the natural resources in this state and would be exactly the kind of funding needed to rejuvenate water quality, state parks, REAP, local conservation partnerships, lake restoration and wildlife habitat. 2015 is the year to do it.

It will take a very strong grassroots voice from all groups, including IBA, to get this passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Once the legislative session starts, I will be asking all bowhunters and their friends to contact your legislators about this issue. I cannot overemphasize how important it is for you to visit with your legislators in person. So I am asking you to also set aside January 26th and come to Des Moines to participate in IWILL Day at the Capitol. I have attached a couple very good documents explaining the issue and a signup sheet for groups.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year.

Great post, Mike. When I worked for PF I kept up with all IWill efforts. Admittedly, I've lost touch recently. I'm happy to be a voice, let us know how to help.
Raising taxes will be a hard sell. Do I want my taxes raised? No. Do I want a sustainable revenue flow for all the programs (and the people of Iowa) that will benefit from this tax increase? Yes. Same as the 60+ percent of voters that approves this amendment to Iowa's Constitution.

The Governor has publicly said, in a political kind of way, that he will not block a gas tax increase. He will not, in my opinion, approve two tax increases in his last couple of years as Governor. Having said that, I saw on the news the other day that the Feds were going to try and raise the federal gas tax. So here is what I'm going to do, write my reps asking them to fund Iowa's Water and Land Legacy and suggest that Iowa doesn't raise the gas tax, rather leave it to Washington to do that.