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Jakes Anyone?

Jarrett Miller

New Member
The morning started off a little different. We went to the first spot we had picked out and there were already two cars there. Then we went to another spot that holds a good amount of birds only to see another vehicle. At this point we were running out of time so I decided to take a gamble and go to a spot I have never been to. We walked about a mile back and set up in an open field. I actually knew nothing about this spot and didn't even know if it held birds. Soon after getting set up we heard a bird gobbling on the limb and he was HOT. About 6:30 he flies down right into the field and struts and gobbles. We assumed it was a long beard but ended up being a jake. After 1 series of calls he turned and came in on a string from 250 yards all the way into 15 yards where Tucker gave him the ol full strut smack. Tagged out before 6:45 on opening morning with his first ever gobbler.

The turkey was actually bigger than Tucker:)

After Tucker tagging out, I decided to take my younger sister, Jadyn, out. We left the house around noon and set up in a big bean field on a piece of public fairly close to the house that I knew there was a fair amount of turkeys on but never hunted it. We sat for about two hours and heard a few gobbles but nothing close. After a while three lone hens show up on the other side of the field, feed for awhile, and head back in the timber. We decided to make a move to that side of the field just so we could have a better view of anything that came out. We sat down in the new spot and I did one series of loud yelps and we sat there. I actually put my hat over my eyes and almost dozed off when Jadyn taps me and says, "Right there! 30 yards!" Two jakes came right in and flogged the decoys before I told Jadyn to shoot. The rest is self explanitory:D

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