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Jan Antlerless Hunt

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I guess none of yall that are dogging TH have never killed a shed buck? Yall are **** about a a dead deer its not the end of the world! So shut the *** up. It's legal and there's nothing you can do about it. I have learned on this site that most of yall are good ethical hunters but some of yall just can't wait to chew on someones ass when they make a mistake.

Congrads TH on filling those tags!
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Nothing against TH for spending time with his dad in the outdoors and legally shooting a deer thats awesome but this season is stupid. For one if you haven't filled your freezer by now there is something wrong my gosh you have had from October 1st to get it done plus just think of all the button bucks that get shot thats the future in a couple years and I actually feel sorry for the deer my gosh they have been chased around since youth season started in September. If they don't let up on the seasons I think we might have witnessed the good old days of deer hunting.
bloodhoundhandler said:
Nothing against TH for spending time with his dad in the outdoors and legally shooting a deer thats awesome but this season is stupid. For one if you haven't filled your freezer by now there is something wrong my gosh you have had from October 1st to get it done plus just think of all the button bucks that get shot thats the future in a couple years and I actually feel sorry for the deer my gosh they have been chased around since youth season started in September. If they don't let up on the seasons I think we might have witnessed the good old days of deer hunting.

I'm with you, I don't think we need this season or the Nov. Antlerless. Just seeing posts like that really ticks me off.
One of those 'don't hate the player.. hate the game situations' perhaps?

Congrats on the clean legal kill, well done getting out spending time with the old man!

I too am not a fan of the season but to each their own. I'm sure you weren't intentionally shooting shed bucks, you'll know to look twice, or three times next time. I still can't wait for this season to go bye-bye.
If you shot a doe, she likely would've had one, maybe two bucks fetus's in her that would be dead as well. Is the deer population good in your areas? If they are very low, killing that buck was better than klling a doe (even though I wouldn't have even killed one in a low populated area late season). Regardless, you're young, you're learning, and most importantly, you're having fun, so keep after it! Congrats
Congrats man, it does hurt a little that its a shed buck, but its a deer and time well spent regardless.
Little Mr. Mcfarland. This is a public forum, lay off obsenitys, there are kids on here younger than you that dont get subject to some of the language you seem to always use in your posts. Relax a bit...
Congrats again kid....


however, I have killed more than my share of button bucks!! :)
Kind of a double edge sword. Great to see you out with your dad and having fun, but I would be lying if it didn't make most guys cringe to see a shed buck get shot.

Not going to bash you at all, but hopefully you'll learn from this experience which I'm sure you will :way:

Enjoy the venison!
Congrats always believe that kids should shoot deer, but this season is fundamentally flawed!
Thats why the buck population everywhere has decreased is because of this season and hunters such as you!Bragging on killing a shed buck, ---- ---!!

Want to come to where I hunt and say that? I'm not hunting in your backyard.

Nothing against TH for spending time with his dad in the outdoors and legally shooting a deer thats awesome but this season is stupid. For one if you haven't filled your freezer by now there is something wrong my gosh you have had from October 1st to get it done plus just think of all the button bucks that get shot thats the future in a couple years and I actually feel sorry for the deer my gosh they have been chased around since youth season started in September. If they don't let up on the seasons I think we might have witnessed the good old days of deer hunting.

All I had were small fawns (poss. Button Bucks) and small Does during ALL seasons.

I happens....just ...tell me it wasn't around Hepburn..Villisca..Bethesda area?

Essex, Iowa Page Co.

EDIT: It was a choice I made quick.
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josh macfarland said:
I guess none of yall that are dogging TH have never killed a shed buck? Yall are **** about a a dead deer its not the end of the world! So shut the *** up. It's legal and there's nothing you can do about it. I have learned on this site that most of yall are good ethical hunters but some of yall just can't wait to chew on someones ass when they make a mistake.

Congrads TH on filling those tags!

I'm apologizing for this last comment I made. I was wrong in saying it.
Lots of folks make mistakes, especially newer hunters. I honestly have more problems with the season existing VS the hunters making the "mistakes". "Mistakes" isn't even accurate though as most folks don't even care. I've seen medium skilled hunters blast button bucks & shed bucks. Thankfully, I've taken my time and gained knowledge and never killed either in 20 years of hunting- so I know it can be done. Same with many buddies of mine. If you look at how many button bucks are killed even- compare that with doe #'s killed- let's say for 5 "does"- 3 are 1.5 to mature aged does, 1 is a doe fawn and 1 is a button buck, that would mean 20% are button bucks (probably about right) and that's ALMOST what the harvest statistics show people are killing for "antlerless kills"- THUS, basically proving that almost no one is identifying deer correctly or caring. I blame the season more than hunters. It has to go. You wanna argue it should stay, we can do that and that's fair game (I heard there's a new contest posted on here, happy to debate that there!! :) ) Folks are NOT identifying deer correctly or simply don't care. Are you seeing far less mature bucks?!?!? Or not enough deer period?!?!? I guaran-frigin-Tee this season has a major part to do with that. On my SIDE of the argument, I'd be HAPPY to break down the stats and I will later. this season is a disaster.
No worries TH- glad you enjoyed yourself - it's just my hope you'll be enjoying yourself from youth season until Jan 10th in seasons to come, let's hope! :)
TH, Again great job... Now you know theres a set of horns layin around, probably pretty close to where you killed that deer. Take a couple hrs and go find em :)
I agree with Thomas...Mcfarland, you werent wrong by any means, I only said anything because of some of the profanitys.. that was all..

And not to dig a whole here for you TH, but didnt you say you had all buck meat in the freezer? And maybe I am misreading this, but it says you had small does and fawns? Does that mean you just saw small ones or what? Sorry, thats pry me being lost. And IMO, if thats all you saw were small does, you should lay off the doe harvest there and let some does get mature, it would help the rut out...but again, just my opinion, and not trying to dig a deeper hole....
Lots of folks make mistakes, especially newer hunters. I honestly have more problems with the season existing VS the hunters making the "mistakes". "Mistakes" isn't even accurate though as most folks don't even care. I've seen medium skilled hunters blast button bucks & shed bucks. Thankfully, I've taken my time and gained knowledge and never killed either in 20 years of hunting- so I know it can be done. Same with many buddies of mine. If you look at how many button bucks are killed even- compare that with doe #'s killed- let's say for 5 "does"- 3 are 1.5 to mature aged does, 1 is a doe fawn and 1 is a button buck, that would mean 20% are button bucks (probably about right) and that's ALMOST what the harvest statistics show people are killing for "antlerless kills"- THUS, basically proving that almost no one is identifying deer correctly or caring. I blame the season more than hunters. It has to go. You wanna argue it should stay, we can do that and that's fair game (I heard there's a new contest posted on here, happy to debate that there!! :) ) Folks are NOT identifying deer correctly or simply don't care. Are you seeing far less mature bucks?!?!? Or not enough deer period?!?!? I guaran-frigin-Tee this season has a major part to do with that. On my SIDE of the argument, I'd be HAPPY to break down the stats and I will later. this season is a disaster.
No worries TH- glad you enjoyed yourself - it's just my hope you'll be enjoying yourself from youth season until Jan 10th in seasons to come, let's hope! :)
It is a disaster....look at my county..which happens to be Page county...more bucks than does killed during all the year...it would help explain the fact that I saw few 140 plus inch deer this year than I have in since I began bow hunting...it needs to end..not faulting th...but...there is really no legit reason for this season to continue..other than Gov. Braindead pandering for insurance money contributions.
I agree with Thomas...Mcfarland, you werent wrong by any means, I only said anything because of some of the profanitys.. that was all..

And not to dig a whole here for you TH, but didnt you say you had all buck meat in the freezer? And maybe I am misreading this, but it says you had small does and fawns? Does that mean you just saw small ones or what? Sorry, thats pry me being lost. And IMO, if thats all you saw were small does, you should lay off the doe harvest there and let some does get mature, it would help the rut out...but again, just my opinion, and not trying to dig a deeper hole....

The Buck I shot during Youth season some of the left rump spoiled because I left it out for a few hours. But the rest was fine. My Bow Buck got completely ripped up, nothing was left besides the rack. My shotgun Buck a kid shot it through both hams and they were no good, along with someone had shot it with a arrow and the straps were not good. This shed Buck didn't have anything wrong with it and is in great shape for meat. I saw lots of big Does just not within 10-20 yards of my Bow (prob 40+ most of the time). I didn't get a chance at one during shotgun because I was with a group. During Mzloader I had a shot at a smaller one and saw lots of them 100+ yards out but waited for a Buck even though I had a Doe tag.
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