Nice buck Jesse, and it looks like you took him with my sentimental favorite the Mossberg. Always like to hear the story of how you got him if you get a chance. Thanks.
Thanks for the compliments guys. I'm very thankful to have got a shot at such a nice buck. I owe a lot of the credit to my dad. I couldn't have a better dad and teacher of the outdoors.
About the hunt...I hunted all day saturday and most of sunday without seeing hardly any deer. My dad and i strategized and thought it would be a good idea for me to make a ground blind along a field edge where we had been seeing a lot of deer and two pretty nice bucks. I ended up seeing 13 does before the buck came out and in front of me at 20 yards. I rose the Mossberg Slugmaster and put a good shot on the buck taking out both lungs. It ran a good 100 yards before crashing after it jumped a fence. I was so excited after making the shot i ran 1/4 mile back across the field to my truck. My dad (Ed Ulicki) later shot his buck not 75 yards of where i shot my buck. Like his buck, we found the sheds of my buck the previous year. Thanks again for the compliments. Hopefully i'll have some stories to tell in the years to come.
Great deer and great hunt, way to stick with it and keep strategizing. I agree with whomever posted that he looks bigger than 143", but regardless he is one to be proud of.
Pictures can be deceiving but I think your math is a little off. He looks like he would score more then 143. Rack looks pretty even across the board and the net should be within 5 inches of the gross score. I would guess he grosses in the mid 150s at the least and nets around 150. Reguardless of score though, he is a very nice buck and would put a smile on most that had a chance at a buck that size. Congrats!!
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