One more time
After not seeking much this year on trail came here in Johnson Co and my other hunting spot in Lucas Co having only a couple shooters. I was really wondering if this year was going to be a successful year.
One of my best buddy has some hunting ground in Washington Co and had invited me to go hunt with him and another one of closest friend. I usually hunt the rut in Lucas county but this year I decided to hunt my birthday weekend with them.
I got off work and headed down after dark so I wouldn't bust up there evening hunt. We got settled in Friday November 1st to hunt bright and early Saturday morning.
We were in the stand 30 minutes before first light. Nothing was moving but a couple squirrels. At about 815 I heard my buddy do some rattling. About 5 minutes later I hear his string slap and out from the timber came this big buck. He turned around and snorted at whatever came from from behind him. He trotted down the creek bed in my direction. I grabbed my bow and ranged where I thought he was going. 70 yards but if he followed that path, it would be about 50 yards.
He walked onto the food plot and as I drew I had what seemed lie a and hour to settle my pin. I grunted to stop him and I released. Smack! Right behind the shoulder. He turned to run and dropped fifty yards from where I hit him.
I couldn't see his body so I texted my friend and said I put a Big Buck Down. He replied I hit one high too. Question was. He rattled two buck in which I didn't know. We didn't know if we had two bucks down or one hit twice.
An hour passed and both of got down to start tracking bucks. I found my arrow and had awesome blood half way up the shaft. He found his too. Broken and bloody. He didn't find a deer but mine was right where I saw him go down. I just couldn't see through the tall grass.
It had three holes. O no! Exactly like he said. A set of holes high and the one from my arrow. After some talk we decided if his arrow hit vitals it was his buck. I agreed. His property, his rules and no deer would jeopardize our friendship. That we we were there in the first place. Because we were friends.
We field dress him and his arrow never broke through the back ribs and only made a superficial wound. My arrow intact destroyed both of his lungs and missed the heart by a half inch. My arrow clearly killed this deer.
A grew ending to a roller coaster hunt. This buck scored 160" on the rackulator and my biggest buck yet.
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