Just a silly deer joke


PMA Member
There were these two guys that thought they would give deer hunting a try. They read all kinds of books about deer hunting. On the first day of season they went to the timber they were going to hunt. They desided to split up. Later that day one of the hunters saw a movement in the bushes. He unloaded his gun on the movement. When he went in to get the deer he thought he shot he was shocked to see that he just shot his buddy. He was still alive. he rushed him to the hosiptal and the guy was rushed into surgery. After a while the doctor came out to give the friend the news. His friend was asking over and over is he going to make it doc is he going to make it. The doctor sat the man down and told the man that his friend woud of lived. IF THE GUY HADN'T GUTTED HIM BEFORE HE BROUGHT HIM TO THE HOSIPTAL.