Life Member
….and probably a bad one at that, but that has never stopped me.
I think the Farm Bureau, I use the term generically for all car insurance and farmer organizations, should start a reward system for killing does. Lets say I killed five does and registered them with the electronic check in system that Iowa now has. The DNR shares the data with the Farm Bureau, again I use the term generically. The Farm Bureau checks my name against their customer base, sees I have a policy and automatically gives me a 1% discount per doe on my premiums, in this case a 5% total discount. It’s all electronic, it’s all easy and it rewards me for killing does. The % discount is strictly off the top of my head, higher would be better.
Even if, generically speaking, the Farm Bureau was able to access the data base; at the very least a hunter that kills an arbitrary number of does should at least get a plaque or lagniappe for their efforts. Three does gets a bronze award, 4-6 does gets a silver award, 7-9 does gets a gold award 10 and up gets a platinum award and a hand shake from the President of the Farm Bureau.
What I’m saying is if the insurance companies and farmer organizations, row crop to Christmas tree, want a larger doe harvest; give some of the hunters that need a little nudge more of an incentive. The check and balance, or better put, the verification system is in place with the electronic kill registration.
Just a thought.
The ‘Bonker
I think the Farm Bureau, I use the term generically for all car insurance and farmer organizations, should start a reward system for killing does. Lets say I killed five does and registered them with the electronic check in system that Iowa now has. The DNR shares the data with the Farm Bureau, again I use the term generically. The Farm Bureau checks my name against their customer base, sees I have a policy and automatically gives me a 1% discount per doe on my premiums, in this case a 5% total discount. It’s all electronic, it’s all easy and it rewards me for killing does. The % discount is strictly off the top of my head, higher would be better.
Even if, generically speaking, the Farm Bureau was able to access the data base; at the very least a hunter that kills an arbitrary number of does should at least get a plaque or lagniappe for their efforts. Three does gets a bronze award, 4-6 does gets a silver award, 7-9 does gets a gold award 10 and up gets a platinum award and a hand shake from the President of the Farm Bureau.
What I’m saying is if the insurance companies and farmer organizations, row crop to Christmas tree, want a larger doe harvest; give some of the hunters that need a little nudge more of an incentive. The check and balance, or better put, the verification system is in place with the electronic kill registration.
Just a thought.
The ‘Bonker