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Just a thought.......


Life Member
….and probably a bad one at that, but that has never stopped me.

I think the Farm Bureau, I use the term generically for all car insurance and farmer organizations, should start a reward system for killing does. Lets say I killed five does and registered them with the electronic check in system that Iowa now has. The DNR shares the data with the Farm Bureau, again I use the term generically. The Farm Bureau checks my name against their customer base, sees I have a policy and automatically gives me a 1% discount per doe on my premiums, in this case a 5% total discount. It’s all electronic, it’s all easy and it rewards me for killing does. The % discount is strictly off the top of my head, higher would be better.

Even if, generically speaking, the Farm Bureau was able to access the data base; at the very least a hunter that kills an arbitrary number of does should at least get a plaque or lagniappe for their efforts. Three does gets a bronze award, 4-6 does gets a silver award, 7-9 does gets a gold award 10 and up gets a platinum award and a hand shake from the President of the Farm Bureau.

What I’m saying is if the insurance companies and farmer organizations, row crop to Christmas tree, want a larger doe harvest; give some of the hunters that need a little nudge more of an incentive. The check and balance, or better put, the verification system is in place with the electronic kill registration.

Just a thought.

The ‘Bonker
i could go for that, and of course genarically speaking, if State Farm also had a incentive program id be all over that....kill 'em all

Great idea 'Bonker
maybe they should have a rental vehicle used for "demolition" purposes. set up an old pickup with an installed rollbar, and brush guard. then we, the hunters, get mailed to duty....same as jury duty. it would be our job to run over bambi....we could actually wear cool helmets and stuff.....
just a thought....
Being a Farm Bureau member myself I also get the nice paper they send out and always talk about the $ it costs them for deer/car collisions.

I will call my agent tomorrow and see what they say because that sounds awesome.
I love saving money on my car insurance and I didnt have to switch to Geico
Great idea, even if they had to put a "cap" on it. Otherwise, you'd have people killing (or claiming to have killed) LOTS of does...next thing you know, they're wanting Farm Bureau to send them a refund check!



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Your not the only one...lol

Seems to me like everyone would just report that they had killed one whether they had or not, just for the discount. Obviously that would screw up the DNR's numbers for actual success. I'm all for the discount though. Frankly, after not having a claim for 15+ years, I think I shouldnt have to pay insurance again until I DO hit something.
I figure this will happen just after the state starts allowing us to shoot these nuisance deer two for the price of one tag...ha,ha.. Great idea but the only problem is that it you are using common sense. Which in gov't and business doesn't equal profits. Just look at the DNR. Department of NonTypical Revenue! One things for sure, every redneck in southern Iowa would have full coverage on the four wheel drives! If you can swing this into action I would dare say you could sell water to a drowning man. Good Luck.
It's a great idea, but then I could see many people going above and beyond the call of duty and putting a serious hurtin' on the Iowa deer population, all in the name of saving a couple bucks (no pun intended) on their insurance policy

I feel that resident hunters have been doing a TREMENDOUS job of harvesting more deer and keeping the population in check, especially in the last 1-2 years.

Numbers are down all over the state, and I can attest to that every time I climb into my stand for a spell.

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Arcadian French (Louisiana/Quebec). Noun, 1, a small gift presented by a store owner to a customer with a purchase. 2, an unexpected gift or benefit. Pronounced lan-yap with emphasis on either or both syllables.

The 'Bonker
I am a Farm Bureau Agent and I think it would be great! The problem is deer license would have to be increased b/c we'd have to add more dnr staff. Premiums would go up because property and casualty insurance companies would have to add a whole department to track this. The goverment would have to pay an outside consulting firm to study it for a couple of years. I don't know if it would be worth it. I believe that if you deer hunt you should get a discount on your insurance no matter what the company is.
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