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Just for off season discussion

I have been thinking lately about all the setups that I have, and if I really need all these stands and have to store them during the of season. So this got me thinking.

You can have only one setup, to hunt from for any locations that you think you might encounter.

Personally I have a Lone Wolf Assault with LW climbing sticks. I am considering going to the X-Stand Mantis sticks. The other stand that I might consider is one of the Chippewa Wedge Loc stands.
I got a couple sets of mantis sticks from the Sportsmans guide pretty cheap. Seem real nice. Going to try a x stand paragon stand next.
If I could only pic one set up to hunt from forever it would be a coin toss between the Millennium and lonewolf. But it would be lonewolf sticks every time.
LW Alpha or XOP air raid or silver series for the stand. All pretty much the same thing. I do love my XOP maxemus stands the best but they are 3.5lbs heavier than an Alpha.

For sticks the new XOP sticks blow the LW sticks out of the water but the down side is they are almost 1lb heavier. I did use 2LW sticks and 2 XOP sticks and that was a nice combo with XOP for 3rd and 4th stick

Love the LW sticks but I have too big a feet for the steps. I used them 10 years but looking for something else.

I think I am going to buy a pack a hawk helium sticks and give them a try. I will add versa buttons to them so they attach like a LW stick. They weight 0.2lb more than a LW stick but have double steps that are designed better.

Its all personal preference.
My go-to setup time after time is either a LW Alpha or one of the older LW Assaults. I have a couple of the older Assaults that are the pre quick-adjust platform leveling and they have the smaller seat, and weighs 8.5lbs.

The Alpha is what I use when I'm going to be sitting for a while (rut, etc), and the Assault is what I use when its gonna be a quick sit (maybe just a quick evening hunt or something).

And I have a couple sets of LW sticks that I use. Light, easy to carry, quiet, and get me up and down the tree just fine..havent really looked into anything else since I'm happy with them.
I rarely hang and hunt anymore in the same day, but when I do I prefer the XOP sticks and a lone wolf alpha. I've hunted out of the wedge locks and the hanging design seems outstanding, but they are a very small stands.

The millenniums are by far and away the most comfortable hang on I've ever hunted, but the easy hang receiver and wobbly platform scares the heck out of me. Even with a draw right strap on the bottom they still have play in them. I actually prefer the smaller M's over the big tree lounger chair one. The seat sits s little low in those for me.
I am hoping to re-look at a one option setup. I am going to plan to add some longer ropes, so that am able to get into larger trees.
The millenniums are by far and away the most comfortable hang on I've ever hunted, but the easy hang receiver and wobbly platform scares the heck out of me.

Completely agree..not to mention I find the Millennium stands to be a little loud.

If you "cam lock" a LW stand after you hang it, its the most solid stand I've ever stood on.
Completely agree..not to mention I find the Millennium stands to be a little loud.

If you "cam lock" a LW stand after you hang it, its the most solid stand I've ever stood on.

Millenniums are pretty squeaky. Maybe not all models but the m25's I have are. Can't seem to get the platform locked in. Best stand I have for comfort. Blows my Xop away for all day sits.
I have a Lone Wolf Assault with LW climbing sticks. I haven't tried the XOP sticks but they look good to me. I'll stick with what I have though since I have no complaints.
Guido's Web and Muddy 20" sticks for me. I prefer the Web to any traditional stand for lots of reasons, safety, comfort, portability, stealth and many others.

It may seem silly, but like my Web so much, that I use my permanent ladder stands just for the ladder, and hang from my Web at those locations too.
I have had the LW Alpha since 2005, I doubt I ever get rid of it as I love the size and it is the quietest of all the portable stands I have tried. Muddy talked me into the thicker ass pad a few months back and I picked that up so I should be even more comfortable on the all day sits now.

Going to go the the XOP sticks however, as the design on them seems much better/safer, especially for wet and muddy boots.
Honestly, I wanted a bigger platform and when I went in to look at stands I could see zero difference between the Alpha and the AirRaid. I will likely switch to the XOP sticks simply because the steps go out both directions.
If you "cam lock" a LW stand after you hang it, its the most solid stand I've ever stood on.

What is cam locking the Lone wolf?

For the OP my assault and LW sticks are still the go to option for me. More solid and quiet that the steel stands I sometimes use with big ratchets cranking them down.

For all day sits nothing beats my old API hang on with the bar across the front. The reclining ability and the padded seat are key. I have taken lots of power naps in it with no fear what so ever of falling out. Just have to stand to shoot.
I am going to plan to add some longer ropes, so that am able to get into larger trees.

I need to do this as well. Also my LW straps should have been replaced about two years ago.

Any body have any leads on a better option for stick and stand straps?
Any body have any leads on a better option for stick and stand straps?

Take a look at utility constrictor ropes or UCRs.

I replaced my stick straps with UCRs and love them. Allows me to climb much bigger trees and also much quieter than the straps with cinch buckle. I still use straps on the alpha though as the UCRs don't cinch down quite as tight.
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