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Just saw on the news....


PMA Member
A mother in Georgia was at home with her 9 year old twin girls when a guy broke in. She hid the girls in a crawl space and protected them with a .38 caliber handgun. She shot the perp 5 times. He is in the hospital and in custody. Good for her I say.
Actually, report was that one hit in the lung, one in the liver, one in the neck, then the last in the chest cavity, but did not hit any major organs.

If only she had a 30 shot clip..............

I would say that a lung and the liver are major organs and the neck shot missed major arteries and veins, apparently. The guy is just lucky that you can live with one functional lung, livers take a while to bleed out from and medical responders acted quickly enough to save his stupid arse after she called 911. Either way, good for her!
Dead criminals can't sue the shooter and taxpayers don't have to pay to house them in prison.
I would say that a lung and the liver are major organs and the neck shot missed major arteries and veins, apparently. The guy is just lucky that you can live with one functional lung, livers take a while to bleed out from and medical responders acted quickly enough to save his stupid arse after she called 911. Either way, good for her!

I ment the last shot was in the chest cavity but didn't do any damage to any major organs.
If she had a shotgun it would have only taken one! Talk to guys that guide for bear! Shotgun!!! :way::way::way: She did swell tho!!! :D
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