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kids 1st bowkill


UL Shelter/Stove Geek
Check out this poor kids' 1st memory of his bowkill
The kids' dad is a prostaffer for Darton Archery and a prostaffer for Aftershock archery from what I can tell. Proud moment for the companys I am sure.

Scroll down the page and it is called Hunter childs' 1st bowkill once you push play.

seen this on archertalk, and I don't care to view it again. Makes me sick to know this kind of crap goes on. That guy should be proud!
How could you honestly look at your child and tell him that is OK???? The father should never be allowed to hunt again!!!!!!!!
I cant believe that put that on their home page.. Thats crap.. They could have atleast done it the right way and put that kid in a tree when they taped it.. not so obvious they are shooting the ranch pet.
"Lookie there boy! There's a fish in that barrel!" I like how they sit in the truck and high five after he makes the shot. Lazy bass turds.
You mean that's not REAL hunting???

Going to have to blame the parent on that one. Poor kid is just an extension of what his dad wants him to be. "Pops" isn't exactly teaching him good life lesson with that one.

I dont think ted would be happy with that one......also i dont think we should spread this all over the internet. one of those things that should just let lay....
If this was a bow kill of wild hogs then it must have gotten a bad enough wrap because I think it's been deleted.
If this was a bow kill of wild hogs then it must have gotten a bad enough wrap because I think it's been deleted.

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I think the guy got hate mail all day from AT, Huntnet, and others all over the nation. It showed a 11 year old kid standing at a feeder on the ground and next to him not 10-15 ft away was a buck deer just feeding away as if it was a pet. The kid shoots it with his bow. The dad thinks this is cool and even has Ted Nugest music playing during the "hunt" It was pathetic as you might imagine. The deer was so tame that he could have stuck it with a knife probably.
no need to explain it. it was deleted for a reason. It was deleted because it is not something to be proud of nor is it something to be passed on
no need to explain it. it was deleted for a reason. It was deleted because it is not something to be proud of nor is it something to be passed on

[/ QUOTE ]I did not see it,but if the guy was stupid enough to video tape it and put on the net then he must have been proud of it and also say he is a prostaffer for some of the equipment that was used.I think it needs to be explained and let all of us see these idiots that give hunting a bad name!Maybe him and Jimmy Houston need to do a show together,and I hope anybody that was able to send your two cents worth gave him hell.
I agree with fatboy, and i'd let any company he represents know what a mockery he's made of the sport and that their products won't be supported.
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