I know there is a belief that allowing our youth hunters to use a crossbow during archery season would increase interest in Bowhunting. I can't argue this point because it may in fact be true. However, I do strongly believe this is a "slippery slope" that will ultimately deteriorate the sport of Bowhunting. I know that this statement will bring on a total wave of opposition. I have been reminded that the same comparison was made with the introduction of the Compound. I am fully aware of the advancements in archery equipment, however the use of a bow and arrow is still an art unlike the use of a cross bow. The skill of movement in the outdoors is more forgiving for a hunter on stand when he is holding a Crossbow. To clarify this point, I will explain what every Bowhunter already knows which is the timing of a draw while on stand. It is so crucial to pull back a bow not only without being detected, but also being able to hold the string while the animal gets into range. Once our kids pick up the crossbow they will most likely never return to the compound/cam bow. We really have enough technology in the field without pushing crossbows on our kids. As parents we see the video games taking over and people's constant need for stimulation 99% of the time. Bowhunting is patience which that alone seems to be a dieing sport. If someone really wants to shoot a crossbow I have no problem allowing it during gun season.