Blame bonker for killing all the possums
That's an extra 125,000 ticks around this fall. Lucky for you and the catsOnly 25 last fall. Didn't even make my 300 inches of tail goal. I've got my cameras out to scout for the ones that made it though the winter so I can get my PI (possum inventory), make my hit list and estimate how many tail inches I'll get this fall. I've had a lot of WTK (winter tail kill) so far this year. Just like last fall my inches of tail will suffer.
Who am I kidding? If it's a possum it made my hit list.
This post is Pengy and Francie approved.
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That's an extra 125,000 ticks around this fall. Lucky for you and the cats
We had snow cover before the -25F weather. The snow protected/insulated them. Going to be a bad year is my guess.
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