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killer B decoy

Ive used one it seemed to intimidate single birds i have called groups of toms in with it but i switched to a jake decoy and will never go back to a strutter.
Its a smaller strutter decoy. the paint on the head is not the best. I would go with the "Killer B" model. It has a moving tail. The paint is better and you put a real fan on it and it will be a killer!
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jesserichard said:
Its a smaller strutter decoy. the paint on the head is not the best. I would go with the "Killer B" model. It has a moving tail. The paint is better and you put a real fan on it and it will be a killer!

I got the moving fan modle
I've only had one bird hang up on me with my strutter. I think movement is the key. Being able to turn it towards and away the incoming bird seems to be the key. (learned this from Liv4rut on IW) I think that would have more effect than the tail raising and lowering but I've never used one to know for sure.

Mobile Cooter using IW

You Are correct on this one. Movement makes a huge differance!
I have a killer-b that I have pulled a few birds in with. I bought it before last season, so I have only used it for one season so far. I think the paint on the head looks pretty good, and the smaller body size makes it less intimidating. I run a jake fan on him and have his beard cut down, so he kinda looks like a jake thats overstepping his boundaries. Just this past winter, I did a little wing paint modification and added real wings to him, so we'll see how that works.

I usually hook up the pull cord to his tail, although I think this season I might wrap it around the decoy stake so when I pull the cord, it rotates him to the side - only downside of that is I can only rotate him one direction.

Here is what he looks like:



I use the DSD jake and hen. They are the nest decoys I have ever used. I have a pretty boy, and a B mobile jake. The DSD out performs them hands down. I just got back from Nebraska where I had birds mounting my hen and and beating my jake every day out there. I have never had birds take to decoys like this. I have some video I shot on my phone I will try to upload.
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