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kitty kitty


New Member
OK So I have showed this pic top a couple of my humting buddies and no one can quite agree on what they think it is. I have my own idea but we will leave that out. What do you guys think. The date is wrong on the camera. This pic was taken 2 weeks ago.
Looks like a really LONG bobcat from the pic. My guess is field mouse in the mouth and the front left leg is the one that looks like the 3rd leg. Definitely a unique picture.
Think he could be standing on his front 2 legs a little bit with his butt in the air to make it look like he is much longer than he really is??
I agree on 2 bobcats - and no mouse. That is a front leg and you see one of the back legs of the 1st bobcat.
Looks like a normal ole plain Jane walking bobcat with a mouse in its mouth to me. Don't see 8 legs or 2 heads or nothing don't know where you guys are seeing 2 bobcats
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Def one cat no mouse he's left back leg is under body with paw just behind right front left front is under chin with dark fur, shadow or mud on paw
looks like a big cat look at it's shoulders. I don't have much bobcat experience but i know they usually have spots and not a solid color. also not this big
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