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Knight Revolution Breech plug?


Well-Known Member
So a few years ago I won a Revolution from Knight (pry more than a few years)…. We moved and I cannot for the life of me find the Breech plug. Anyone have some connections in the muzzleloader world that might be able to at least point me in the right direction? I reached out to Knight and they say that’s the one gun they didn’t have the patent for (something along those lines)… they cannot get parts and had no direction for me. I don’t know the part number or if it’s interchangeable- just no where to begin. Every search I’ve done online the parts are out of stock. I get that- and understand I might be SOL.
My next question would then be- if I am out of luck- what’s a good muzzleloader? Was looking at a T/C- I feel like they’ve been a solid gun for years but haven’t researched much. I’d love to do smokeless but do not want to venture that route at this time (will in a few years after the kids are older) or should I be looking at a Traditions or CVA?
Really prefer to find a part but know that’s not gonna be easy
Thanks for any help and direction. I’ve been on this board for a long time and never am disappointed (pry originally signed on in like 2001? 2002? Something like that)
Did you try those part numbers on ebay? I'm sure it is a Longshot but possible. If you go the different gun route I really like my cva accura. Very accurate and very easy to clean.
Yes, I have read that one actually and all links/part numbers are no more. After night closed/reopened all of them changed.
Yes, but that thread said the revolution was compatible with the elite and the extreme so finding a plug that fits one of those may be the ticket. Here is one:

Yes, but that thread said the revolution was compatible with the elite and the extreme so finding a plug that fits one of those may be the ticket. Here is one:

So that's where I get confused, I guess- because that photo looks nothing like the one I originally had so I am worried that if I buy it, it wont work and then I am out chasing breech plugs...I originally bought one that was supposed to fit one of the other models, and it didnt work- and they dont take them on return (or at least where I had ordered)... I have been chasing a breech plug since last years Late Season when I realized it was gone, I have tried tons of options/local gunsmiths...so just trying a last ditch effort really
What about this one? It also fits elite/extreme like that old forum said was compatible with the revolution. And it uses the FPJ system for the primer

What about this one? It also fits elite/extreme like that old forum said was compatible with the revolution. And it uses the FPJ system for the primer

Knight told me it would not work when I called them- when they reopened they are different supposedly. Kind of the rabbit hole I’m running into- they hadn’t been very helpful, so turned to all of the guys here who know their stuff. If this is one that works, great I’d order it today. I don’t know if Knight is blowing smoke and it would work or if it truly doesn’t. They actually don’t own the patent to the Revolution (it was a company they had partnered with at the time who owns it). So I don’t know if they just tell me no on safety side of things or if they just simply can’t say yes because of that patent deal. This is one that looks alike, but the other side should be the “thunder dome” and I can’t tell. I know I’m being a pain- I really do know that
I called them today just for the heck of it and got a very knowledgeable guy- I will never find the “same” as I had because of the patent. He recommended I try one that had the same specs- but couldn’t guarantee how it would seat. I think that’s progress in some shape. Thanks everyone- thank you for helping a random last ditch effort
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