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KS Repealing NRLO tags- becoming “like iowa”


Staff member
INTERESTING. I’ll leave any comments out. I just found out about this. WOW. I just got this sent to me… if goes through (looks like did or probably will considering the reason & group behind it) …. NRLO’s will be in the draw like everyone for a deer tag. I won’t comment for or against …. Curious you all’s thoughts…

"Kansas Livestock Association"...........Meh........not a legislative entity. It would be a nice change but doubtful.
I'll never fault a law that protects a state's residents (if that's what's at play here).

What does Kansas NR draw look like currently in terms of tags and wait time?
I'll never fault a law that protects a state's residents (if that's what's at play here).

What does Kansas NR draw look like currently in terms of tags and wait time?
It's slowly getting worse by the year. I heard of guys not drawing in 2024 with 1 point.
Pre covid, you could get a tag every year as there were some leftover in each unit. No longer the case. I saw some statistic that said 58% of people drew in 2023 with no points, down from 80+% that drew in 2022.
I have no dog in this Kansas fight but I used to be a nrlo in Iowa. Btw I’m so happy I moved to Iowa. When we would debate the Iowa nrlo issue back in the day a common argument was “you knew the rules when you bought here…”. Well the rules in Kansas were a nrlo got a tag, now it’s changing possibly.

As we all know landowners put a ton of blood, sweat, tears and money into their properties. At the very least current nrlos should be grand fathered ; with the new rules applying to new purchases. Fair is fair.

I think there are guys on here who own land in Kansas. What do you think??
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I think it's a good thing. Listening to the huntr podcast the other day, the hosts, (PA residents) mentioned before they bought a farm in another state they researched what states they could draw a tag in every year as a nrlo. They chose Illinois.

Those guys are not alone, more and more non residents are looking for land in the Midwest every year and I think eventually all states will have to follow suite.

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I have no dog in this Kansas fight but I used to be a nrlo in Iowa. Btw I’m so happy I moved to Iowa. When we would debate the Iowa nrlo issue back in the day a common argument was “you knew the rules when you bought here…”. Well the rules in Kansas were a nrlo got a tag, now it’s changing possibly.

As we all know landowners put a ton of blood, sweat, tears and money into their properties. At the very least current nrlos should be grand fathered ; with the new rules applying to new purchases. Fair is fair.

I think there are guys on here who own land in Kansas. What do you think??
This is for sure reasonable.
Lemme pose a real issue for u that kinda fits into this… “sorta” …. I’m not taking a position but how would u respond to this??
Some states are changing laws to limit or eliminate foreign ownership of land. CHINA. The lobbyists that are paid by china- that’s 1 small point in their argument “foreign owners bought under that pretense. You can’t yank the rug from under them after u made the rules & they followed”. Very similar argument. Clearly, hostile foreign countries owning land here is a very different dynamic but… how would u respond on that? Those state’s POV (proponents of the ban) will say “it’s our land, our state & we decide the laws (we want foreign ownsership ended IMMEDIATELY)”… & in several cases, those states have changed the laws. SD for example.

Right, wrong or indifferent to the states being more NR restrictive… (leaving my opinion OUT)… it’s gonna happen more. The residents of EVERY STATE are getting louder & more frustrated every year. Out west is always 10-20 years ahead of the pack. The “u can’t get a tag here” or “u have a super long & hard draw” have been in place for decades. Or gotten more restrictive over time. Colorado was the latest of western states to tighten things up.

States being pounded by NR’s (again, not OPINION- just stating facts) where there’s growing discussions & movement to restrict NR tags or access…. MO, OH, KS are the top 3 that come to mind. IL has a lot of heat & discussion on this but I won’t put them on the list as that state is so corrupt- $ will be the ONLY deciding factor in that state. I would predict IN & KY will likely be debating this as well. Any state that has “good quality Whitetail’s” will have NR’s flocking to it. & A growing resident movement to restrict it. States with poor quality hunting will have very little pressure to change NR access…. MI or MN for example.
Again- not stirring the pot, not voicing opinion but pointing out, IMO - why & when we are seeing some state-populism driven regulation changes. & I’m not at all in this camp BUT…. The farmers/ranchers in all these states are getting more frustrated, loud & organized every year. Wouldn’t surprise me if the farmers/ranchers had even more pull than the R hunters of XYZ state.
Here’s ironic part of this…. I have left my opinion out for the most part….. i bought a farm in kansas about 18-ish months ago. This 100% will impact me if this happens. & I’ll admit- I’m ok with kansas residents doing what’s best for their state. I come second as I don’t reside there. I totally understand the frustration of NRLO’s of kansas. Me personally, my frustration or wishes for myself will be secondary & I’m a guest of that state. I hope the residents are the ones to make the choice & I hope their influence is stronger than mine - as it should be.
I can see some compromises here and I also can see a scenario where this doesn’t go through. If it doesn’t go through this year- my GUT…. It’ll be a matter of time before it does. KS is being gobbled up at unsustainable rates…. It’s getting to a breaking point where the residents are gonna be left out cold or some NR feelings & $ motives take a back seat…. One or the other will have to give.

I let some younger trustworthy locals hunt my KS stuff where it made sense & felt a responsibility to do it based on how fast the access is being lost at an insane pace. Whatever anyone’s stance is- any state with a quality resource of ANYTHING - I have empathy for how hard & fast things can shift…. Any rare & high quality limited resource will have a bullseye on it & I applaud those states that protect their resource & residents.
Sligh. I get it. But a position of being secondary as a nrlo in Kansas is easier when the fallback position and home state is Iowa. A little bit harder to take if your fallback position is PA, MI , SC etc. If states are gonna pull this stuff, change rules mid stream , make nr real estate sales illegal. I think current nrlos should be grand fathered; they purchased with the law being nrlos get a tag.

Additionally “changes that benefit the resident” is over played. Most if not all nrlos I know, I was one, invests a ton that benefit the overall conservation goals of Iowa, Kansas etc when compared to non land owning residents, but we punish the nrlo. My position is unpopular, but it’s about common sense.

In Iowa a nrlo has never had a guaranteed tag and I understand the fight to keep it that way, that’s why I moved. But Kansas provided a nrlo tag and they’re pulling the carpet out.
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I have a sold owned few farms in KS the last few years and the prices keep going up. I'm a NRLO.
For the average KS resident, they couldn't afford the prices 4 years ago, and they surely aren't' going to have things pencil out now. This isn't just a KS problem either. NR are buying land all over the country because a lot of R's don't have the money to make it work. Sure some R's are still buying but I would bet majority is NR's. A lot of average people just want to own land more than ever before IMO.
I don't know enough about KS to know what sort of power the "KLA" has? Does this do anything besides throwing their "support" behind a change?

Now, I did hear that KS NRLO tags are changing in that the person who's name is on the deed is the ONLY person who can get a NRLO tag, supposedly it cannot be family and cannot be in an LLC, etc. Here's the link to the podcast that I heard that on. It's pretty short and to the point.

Now, I did hear that KS NRLO tags are changing in that the person who's name is on the deed is the ONLY person who can get a NRLO tag, supposedly it cannot be family and cannot be in an LLC, etc.
Missouri was similar until this year, land couldn't be in an LLC for NRLO, but for residents getting LO tags, land could be an LLC.
Doesn't make any sense, regardless what state it is - Does someone really think I'm going to put a buddies name as an owner on my LLC just so he can get a reduced fee tag? Not in this lifetime, I don't care how good a friend..... I must be missing a viewpoint on this LLC thing. Glad Mo changed NRLO LLC's to match what Resident LLC's are. It's just a reduced tag in Mo for NRLO LLC's still....

Reason for edit: Can add family in there as well....It's not going to happen...
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The issue is pretty simple and has nothing to do with deer hunting access for nrlo’s. The KLA is made up of all of the largest farm and ranch owners and they are simply tired of nr’s driving up land prices and taking the majority of land out of production. No crops other than food plots and no cattle grazing. That is impacting their wallets when land they have been renting for years is taken from them and then let set idol. I am hearing some counties are now assessing taxes at the real value versus Ag value on ground left idol for a minimum of two years in order to force nrlo’s to get the land back in production. The KLA carries a big stick in Kansas!
Well , if the podcast video is accurate the new rule does nothing to prevent nrlo in Kansas other than saying the property must be in a persons name. That’s not gonna stop much
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The KLA does have a ton of sway here. I suspect they will get what they are looking for.

Regarding the NRLO doing more on their land to help the overall conservation goals may be true, but we are almost to the point of doing it only for the benefit/enjoyment of NR's. Kansas recently turned a corner where our resident participation is plummeting and the NR demand is growing exponentially. It is almost entirely due to access in a state that is >95% privately owned. That is unsustainable. When the resident derives no benefit from the resource, yet has the voting power? That is not good for anyone.
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