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Ladder Stand Affect?


Well-Known Member
Greetings, Fellow BowHunting, Ladies and Gentlemen. I have a question,about LadderStands, and I have appreciated your comments on questions so far. How do LadderStands affect older Bucks in Iowa ? I plan on using them this Fall, on my property in Iowa. I put them up last April. I am older, and have a fused Back, so heights, and shinnying up trees, and balancing on limbs, hanging platforms, is out of the question. I cannot afford to fall.Ladder Stands are my only way in trees. How suspicious are Bucks, the older variety, about ladders to the ground? I assume having them out well in advance, is a plus. They are not high ones either, 14 and 16 ft. I have good break up behind me though, and I think my scent will be away from their noses. I have read stories from some of you about ground blinds, and have tried some of that in the past, scent there is really tricky. But how spooky are Iowa Bucks about hardware, like ladders, coming to the ground? Thank you all for taking the time to comment, on my questions, in the past. THE LONERANGER.
I have never liked the idea of ladder stands, or putting out any stand months in advance. I like to have the element of suprise. I think older bucks wont leave the area just because there is a ladder stand, but they will become conditioned to not traveling by them. I honestly believe they notice every little thing that is new in their area, wether it be a stand or some cut tree branches. Its kind of why trailcams only work for so long in one spot. Eventually the deer condition themselves to not walk by it. They notice something new, and just pick a new trail to walk down. Just my oppinion.
At any given time, I have about 6 ladder stands and 6 fixed stands with sticks set up. I only use the ladder stands in funnels during the rut, and use the less obvious stands near the buck bedding areas and on rub lines for early/late season. I have seen no evidence of big bucks avoiding the ladder stands, but again I put them in areas that they are looking for/chasing does and not their core area.
Loneranger-Given the choice, I would not pick a ladder stand...you do not have that choice. Do the best you can as far as camo and put special attention to making it as quite as it can be!
I have used them the last three seasons...I try to use them by placing them back in big cedar trees. I have not noticed any negative Big Buck behavior as long as you hunt it like any other stand. Make sure of the wind...and really watch your routes in and out. I think more big bucks avoid hunters by the routes they use in and out of there stands.
I think deer notice them and if you are a bow hunter they reduce your chances.

In your case I would try to camo the ladder with cedar limbs or brush so the steps aren't so obvious or try several well placed ground blinds you can use in different wind conditions.
This is a really surprising post, I've never noticed a ladder stand bothering a buck I've had one of my stands in place for 2 years now and still have them walk under it sometimes.
I have had deer walk under my ladder stands many times....between it and the tree....we have between me and the guys I hunt with, 32 ladders stands out and about 20 or so of the portables....see no real big difference between them as far as the deer are concerened.
I've never noticed big deer avoiding ladder stands, but I can't stand bowhunting from them. I feel like a terd on a toothpick in them, and it's as though the deer see me much more easily in them than in other types of stands. I've got a couple out but seldom hunt from them. I'd feel like my chances were better in a well concealed ground blind. Good Luck!!

I have one of my trailcams set up looking right at my ladder stand right now. I have a group of 10 bucks that are feeding in front of it every night!! I don't think it bothers them in the least! It's just part of the scenery. I have had it there for 3 years now and the trail that goes right under it is still bare dirt, so they can't be bothered too bad. My vote is to put up whatever you feel you are comfortable in using, either a climbing stand, ladder stand or a ground blind, people will kill big bucks out of any of the above mentioned if you do your homework and pay attention to detail.
Deer in general have not reacted to the ladder stands I've been in. BUT! as far as old bucks? I've been fortunate to never been hunting out of one when a monster shows. I feel like NWbuck in them. I hunt them early muzzleloader only the last few years. Both are 15 foot stands. I've never been in a 20' ladder. I put a 5' climbing stick above one and the a hanger. I have had some nice bucks very close to the ladder, it's been there a long time.

It's all about the set-up. The perfect tree for a climber is the worst tree for a ladder. You need alot of structure to blend it and yourself into. I also find it hard to keep them from clicking or creaking.
My family has used some home-made ladder stands for many years now, ranging from 14' to 18'. We have shot all kinds of deer from them, and the deer have never spooked because of them. I firmly believe that you could take a ladder stand, paint it a bright shiny color and as long as it has been out in the deer neighborhood for a while, they won't care. Big bucks are a whole separate animal.....heck, they are practically a whole different sub-species from other whitetails. I have never shot a booner from one of our ladders, but if it is all you have to use....don't worry about it. Like others have said, I would worry more about scent control.
I too have shot from some homemade stands that family and friends have set-up and all of us consistently get deer within a few feet of them.They have been there for a number of years and they are kept up.Being there for so long it is almost like they have become part of the tree.they come close to them wether we are in them or not.I think that if you put one in you should do it eariy enough before season that it become part of their environment.When it comes to season the change will have been there for awhile and not spook them.

I have also have hunted from metal ones that have been there for quite sometime.The land owner put up a couple of newer ones in last season 4 or 5 months before season started and he and his son took pretty decent bucks out of them as well as does in the middle to late season.If they are their long enough it is almost like they are not there when it comes to season's start.
absolutely no effect on mature old bucks! no matter what any one says! i can post atleast 10 pics of huge bucks shot from ladder stands at 15-20 yards or less! one of the deer that ny buddy took is ranked somewhere in the top 10 non-typical, in the state of ohio, killed with a bow and the other is in the #8 non-typical killed with a muzzleloader, in the state of ohio. all killed from 15 foot ladder stands! all of mine are 15 footers and have had a lot of deer under my stand and some real good bucks right under them(of course no results, as usual)i have used them for the last 2 years and won't ever use anything else unless i absolutely have to use a climber!
scare'em! You bet! Last year I had a 22.5 wide 8 pt. walk up to 10ft. of mine than turn broadside he didn't look to scared, but than he did start running! Than again it might have been the arrow that blew thru his heart and lungs! He got over the ladder fright about 40yds later. In 2002 a 11pt was so scared he walked by way out about 8 or 10 yds. He got over his ladder stand fear at about 20yds. YEP! Scared him both all the way to my freezer and wall! Guess what? These were both mature bucks, not yearlings, not 2.5 year olds,they didn't have a clue that I was in town. Use your head setting up.
I didn't have any bug ones walk by during muzzleloader hunt last year but it could have been anything. Does didn't seem to care at all. Seem like part of the scenery after awhile. Had an old guy at work telling me that he pulls a horse trailer out the edge of the hayfield every year about 2 weeks before the season and has done this for the last 40 years. Haven't see them but says he has a "pile" of big racks. He's about 80 and wouldn't climb a tree or ladder on a bet, says the trailer is part of his scent control too.
It looks like I stirred up a bit of contoversy. I love all the personal experiences. You can certainly learn alot. I guess your own experiences vary, due to your specific location and surroundings. Keep the comments coming. I truly appreciate them. Thank You, The Loneranger.
Both of these deer came from ladder stands last year and they didn't seem bothered by them! They were alittle bothered by the broadheads however!!


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